The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) offers resources to help federal agencies implement energy savings performance contracts (ESPCs). ESPC resources are listed by essential education, phases of the ESPC process, and general information.
ESPC case studies and training are also available.
Essential Education
These resources offer helpful information about structuring sound ESPC projects with sustained savings.
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Indefinite-Delivery, Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) ESPC Master Contract and Modifications
- DOE ESPC Gen4 IDIQ Generic Contract
- DOE ESPC Gen4 IDIQ Ordering Guide
- 2017 DOE IDIQ ESPC Generic Contract (updated September 2023)
- 2017 DOE IDIQ ESPC Ordering Guide
- 2008 DOE IDIQ ESPC Generic Contract
- 2008 DOE IDIQ ESPC Contract Modifications (001-008)
Federal Goals and Requirements with Performance Contracting
ESPC Training
- ESPC Training by Work Function: Document outlines FEMP's energy savings performance contract courses by job role
FEMP Services and Primary Activities During ESPC Project Development Process
- FEMP ESPC Project Development Resource Guide: Guide charts the ESPC process for providing project development support to agencies developing ESPC projects using the DOE IDIQ ESPC
Frequently Asked Questions and Best Practices
- Federal Energy Savings Performance Contracts: Frequently Asked Questions on the Scope of 42 U.S.C. § 8287 et seq.: Provides clarification and guidance on issues commonly raised regarding the scope of the ESPC statutory authority
- Frequently Asked Questions about ESPC Strategy: Answers commonly asked questions regarding ESPC strategy
- Best Practices and Lessons Learned for Federal Agency FEMP ESPC Projects: Shares agency experiences with ESPC projects
- Best Practices for ESPC Portfolio Review: Outlines a systematic approach to evaluating the performance of an agency’s ESPC portfolio as a whole or individual projects within the portfolio
- Notice to Federal Agency ESPC Auditors
- Resources for Auditing Energy Saving Performance Contracts (ESPC)
- DOE Guidance on ECMs and Bundling: The document includes clarification that multiple ECMs under the same ESPC may be "bundled"
- Guidance on Modifying ESPC Task Orders
Savings Allowed to Fund Payments
- Practical Guide to Savings and Payments in FEMP ESPC Task Orders: Details acceptable savings for funding ESPC payments to the contractor
- Guidance on New Construction under an Energy Savings Performance Contract: Discusses when new construction may be included in an ESPC
- Guidance on the Statutory Definition of Energy/Water Conservation Measures (ECMs) for ESPCs, and Determining Life Cycle Cost-Effectiveness for ESPCs with Multiple or Single ECMs: Clarifies how an ESPC can consist of a single ECM (such as a combined heat and power plant)
- Potential for the Use of Energy Savings Performance Contracts to Reduce Energy Consumption and Provide Energy and Cost Savings in Non-Building Applications: Provides information on the use of energy savings performance contracts in non-building applications
Phase 1: Acquisition Planning
Documents, templates, and guidance for phase 1 of the ESPC process.
- Best Practices and Lessons Learned for Federal Agency ESPC Projects: See sections 1-3: Introduction, General Best Practices, and Acquisition Planning
- Interagency Agreement for U.S. Department of Energy Project Facilitator Support Form: Form for engaging the services of a FEMP project facilitator
- FEMP Suggested ESPC Milestone Plan: Excel tool and example of an ESPC project milestone plan
- Tri-Party Agreement for Energy Savings Performance Contracts: Template for ESPC project responsibilities at DOE sites/facilities
- Cybersecurity Considerations for Performance Contracts: Provides a brief overview of key cybersecurity requirements for agencies, utilities, and subcontractor partners on performance contracts
Preliminary Planning for Specialized Energy Conservation Measures
- Enhancing Performance Contracts with Monitoring-Based Commissioning (MBCx): Provides the benefits and process of integrating monitoring-based commissioning (MBCx) into energy performance contracts
- Renewable Energy Screening for ESPCs: Outlines process and data needed for screening advanced technology projects
- Water Project Screening Tool: Excel file enables federal agencies to quickly screen sites for water-efficiency opportunities
- Including Retro-Commissioning in Federal Energy Savings Performance Contracts: Describes the benefits of and process for conducting retro-commissioning
- Example Retro-Commissioning Statement of Work to Include Services as Part of an ESPC Investment-Grade Audit: Offers a sample statement of work to include retro-commissioning in the ESPC
Phase 2: Energy Service Company Selection and Preliminary Assessment, Project Risk and Responsibility
Documents, templates, and guidance for phase 2 of the ESPC process.
- Best Practices and Lessons Learned for Federal Agency ESPC Projects: See sections 4-5: Energy Service Company (ESCO) Selection and Preliminary Assessment
Notice of Opportunity
- ESCO Selector Tool: Online tool agencies can use to develop a notice of opportunity (NOO) and NOO response evaluation forms
- Past Performance Questionnaire: Attachment to the Notice of Opportunity. Form is for agencies to request feedback from ESCOs' past customers
- Guidance for Using ESCO Oral Presentations in ESPC Source Selection: Guidance for agencies allowing ESCOs to make presentations or attend agency meetings as part of a second down-selection
- Letter to Successful Company: Template for agency letter informing an ESCO that it was selected for a project
- Letter to Unsuccessful Company: Template for agency letter informing an ESCO that it was not selected for a project
Preliminary Assessment
- Agenda: Preliminary Assessment Kickoff Meeting: Standard agenda for the preliminary assessment (PA) kickoff meeting
- Agenda: Preliminary Assessment Development Teleconference: Standard agenda for the teleconference to discuss the in-progress PA
- 2008 DOE IDIQ ESPC Preliminary Assessment Template: Sample PA template to be used for a 2008 DOE IDIQ ESPC project
- 2017 DOE IDIQ ESPC Preliminary Assessment Template: Sample PA template required for task orders under the 2017 DOE IDIQ ESPC project
- 2023 DOE IDIQ ESPC Preliminary Assessment Template: Sample PA template required for task orders under the 2023 DOE IDIQ ESPC project
- Preliminary Assessment Template TO Schedules: Provide TO Schedules per section H.4.2, paragraph b.2.iv, TO Schedules, of the 2023 DOE IDIQ Contract #892434-23D-EE0000XX using eProject Builder.
- ECM Template: Instructions for overviewing ECM scopes and cost and performance metrics by ECM when using the sample PA Template
- Preliminary Assessment Review Template: Template for PF review of the PA
- Preliminary Assessment Review Checklist: Checklist for reviewing a PA
- eProject Builder: Excel-based tool for producing ESPC task order schedules
Project Risk and Responsibility
- 2024 Recognizing and Assigning Risks and Responsibilities Using the Risk, Responsibility, and Performance Matrix
- 2023 DOE IDIQ ESPC Risk, Responsibility, and Performance Matrix: Editable document to be used with the 2023 (Gen4) DOE ESPC IDIQ contract
- 2008 DOE IDIQ ESPC Risk, Responsibility, and Performance Matrix
- 2008 Recognizing and Assigning ESPC Risks and Responsibilities Using the Risk, Responsibility, and Performance Matrix: Explains how task order terms allocate ESPC risks and responsibilities
- 2017 DOE IDIQ ESPC Risk, Responsibility, and Performance Matrix
- 2017 Recognizing and Assigning ESPC Risks and Responsibilities Using the Risk, Responsibility, and Performance Matrix: Explains how task order terms allocate ESPC risks and responsibilities
Notice of Intent to Award
- 2008 DOE IDIQ Notice of Intent to Award Letter: Template for the agency letter notifying an ESCO of its intent to award it an ESPC
Phase 3: Project Development Through Task Order Award Resources
Documents, templates, and guidance for phase 3 of the ESPC process.
- Best Practices and Lessons Learned for Federal Agency ESPC Projects: See sections 8-9: Review of the IGA/Proposal and Critical Outcomes of Review
Establishing Escalation Rates for Financed Projects
- Guidance on Utility Rate Estimations and Weather Normalization in Performance Contracts
- Energy Escalation Rate Calculator (EERC): Escalation rates can be computed based on the Energy Information Administration energy price projections
- Recommended vs. Actual Escalation Rates for ESPCs: Is the Guidance Good?: Paper on energy escalation rates as an important facet of energy savings performance contracts.
- Energy Price Indices and Discount Factors for Life-Cycle Cost Analysis: Annual Supplement to NIST Handbook 135: Handbook on energy price indices and discount factors for performing life-cycle cost analyses
Task Order Request for Proposal
- 2023 DOE IDIQ DOE ESPC Task Order Request for Proposal (TO-RFP) Template: Template to facilitate the project facilitator's drafting of and the agency's finalizing of the TO-RFP
- 2008 DOE IDIQ DOE ESPC Task Order Request for Proposal (TO-RFP) Template: Template to facilitate the project facilitator's drafting of and the agency's finalizing of the TO-RFP
- 2017 DOE IDIQ DOE ESPC Task Order Request for Proposal (TO-RFP) Template: Template to facilitate the project facilitator's drafting of and the agency's finalizing of the TO-RFP
Investment-Grade Audit Process
- Process Chart: Direct-to-IGA Path in ESPCs for Generation 4 IDIQ Contracts: Document outlines a flexible process to skip all Preliminary Assessment steps and to go directly to Notice of Intent to Award (NOITA) and the investment-grade audit (IGA)
- Agenda: Investment-Grade Audit Kickoff Meeting: Standard agenda for IGA kickoff meeting
- Agenda: Investment-Grade Audit Midpoint Review Meeting: Standard agenda for an IGA midpoint review meeting
- Agenda: Investment-Grade Audit Review Workshop: Standard agenda for the IGA review workshop
- Investment-Grade Audit: Review Checklist: Checklist for reviewing an IGA
- ESPC Project Review Comment Template (Word and Excel versions available): Template for documenting the project facilitator (or other’s) review of the PA, IGA, commissioning plan, and other ESCO deliverables
- Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) Lessons Learned - For Energy Generation, Power Purchase Agreements, and Emerging Technology ECMs: Lessons learned for specific ECMs to be utilized when developing an IGA
Proposal Review: Task Order Financial Schedules
- 2008 DOE IDIQ Task Order Financial Schedules (IDIQ Attachment J-6): Required format
- Descriptions of 2008 DOE IDIQ Task Order Schedules and Placement of Pricing Information (IDIQ Attachment J-5): Required format
- Guidance on Alternative Contract Language Regarding Energy Savings Performance Contract Terminations and Cancellations
- eProject Builder: Excel-based tool for producing ESPC task order schedules
Proposal Review: Pricing
- Determining Price Reasonableness in Federal ESPCs: Guidance and recommended process for determining fair and reasonable pricing of ESPCs
- 2008 DOE IDIQ ESPC Task Order Price Evaluation Worksheet: Suggested price review topics
Proposal Review: Financing
- Investor Deal Summary (2023 IDIQ ATT J-5): Required format for summarizing the ESPC project and soliciting financing offers
- Standard Financing Offer (2023 IDIQ ATT J-6): Required format for financing offers
- Investor Deal Summary (IDIQ Attachment J-11): Required format for summarizing the ESPC project and soliciting financing offers
- Standard Financing Offer (IDIQ Attachment J-12): Required format for financing offers
- Review of ESPC Financing: Form for documenting review of project financing
- Guidance Regarding Refinancing, Restructuring, or Modifying Loan Agreements Entered into by an Energy Services Company Under a Federal Energy Savings Performance Contract: Guidance on refinancing ESPCs
Task Order Award
- DOE FEMP Procedure for Notifying Congress Prior to Award of ESPCs: Process and guidance
- 2008 DOE IDIQ Sample Deliverables for Task Orders: Pre-award ESPC deliverables sample
- Best Practices and Lessons Learned for Federal Agency ESPC Projects: See section 10: Final Negotiations and Task Order Award
Phase 4: Implementation, Construction, and Project Acceptance
Documents, templates, and guidance for phase 4 of the ESPC process.
- Agenda: Post-Award Conference Meeting: Standard agenda for the post-award conference meeting
- Agenda: Construction Kickoff Meeting: Standard agenda for the construction kickoff meeting
- 2008 DOE IDIQ Post-Award Deliverables Sample: Example of a post-award deliverables list
- 2008 DOE IDIQ Planning and Reporting for Operations and Maintenance in Federal ESPCs: Process and guidance
- 2008 DOE IDIQ Guidelines, Checklist, and Contract Clauses for Government Acceptance of DOE ESPC Projects: Process and guidance for agency acceptance of completed construction
- 2024 DOE IDIQ ESPC Commissioning Guidance: Process and guidance
- 2008 DOE IDIQ ESPC Commissioning Guidance: Process and guidance
- Post-Installation Measurement and Verification Report Review Checklist: Checklist for the review of the post-installation measurement and verification report
Phase 5: Performance Period
Documents, templates, and guidance for phase 5 of the ESPC process.
- Best Practices and Lessons Learned for Federal Agency ESPC Projects: See section 11: Measurement and Verification
- ESPC Best Practices from Life of Contract Field Reviews: Offers FEMP experience with the life-of-contract process
- DOE IDIQ ESPC Contract Management Plan Template: Provides best practices to agency personnel in the management of a DOE ESPC project during the post-installation performance period
- ESPC Audit Ready Checklist: Helps agencies confirm when a project is ready to be audited
- Annual Measurement and Verification Report Review Checklist: Checklist for the review of the annual and verification report
Measurement and Verification
Documents, templates, and guidance for measurement and verification (M&V) in ESPCs.
M&V Process and Guidelines
- M&V Guidelines: Measurement and Verification for Performance-Based Contracts Version 5.0: Procedures and guidelines
- Supplement to M&V Guidelines: Measurement and Verification for Performance-Based Contracts Version 4.0
- Guide to Government Witnessing and Review of Measurement and Verification Activities: Process and guidance
- How to Determine and Verify Operations and Maintenance Savings in Energy Savings Performance Contracts: Process and guidance
M&V Plan
- 2008 DOE IDIQ Example Measurement and Verification Plan for an ESPC Project: Sample contract document
- 2008 DOE IDIQ Measurement and Verification Plan and Savings Calculations Methods Outline (IDIQ Attachment J-8): Required format
- 2017 DOE IDIQ Measurement and Verification Plan and Savings Calculation Methods Outline (IDIQ Attachment J-8): Required format
- Reviewing Measurement and Verification Plans for Federal ESPC Projects: Process and guidance
M&V Post-Installation and Performance Period
- 2008 DOE IDIQ Post-Installation Report Outline (IDIQ Attachment J-9): Required format for post-installation M&V report
- 2017 DOE IDIQ Post-Installation Report Outline (IDIQ Attachment J-9): Required format for post-installation M&V report
- Reviewing Post-Installation and Annual Reports for Federal ESPC Projects
- 2008 DOE IDIQ Annual Report Outline (IDIQ Attachment J-10): Required format for an ESPC annual report
- 2017 DOE IDIQ Annual Report Outline (IDIQ Attachment J-10): Required format for an ESPC annual report
- Post-Installation Measurement and Verification Report Review Checklist: Checklist for the review of the post-installation measurement and verification report
- Annual Measurement and Verification Report Review Checklist: Checklist for the review of the annual and verification report