ECRSOP Appendices Materials

Materials to support the EVMS Compliance Review Standard Operating Procedure (ECRSOP)

Appendix A: EVMS Compliance Assessment Guidance
AttachmentFile TypeRevision DateDescription
Compliance Assessment Governance (CAG)PDF6/1/2022The PM CAG provides the information needed to better understand the principles and elements of the Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA)–748 EVMS standard. It conforms to the Integrated Program Project Management (IP2M) Maturity and Environment Total Risk Rating (METRR) stemming from the Arizona State University study which identified and assessed a spectrum of EVMS operating environment and implementation maturity factors.
CAG 2.1 Subprocess E Indirect Management UpdatePDF3/13/2024This document replaces pages 138-151, Subprocess E Indirect Budget and Cost Management, of the Compliance Assessment Governance (CAG 2.0) dated 6/1/2022. It was developed as an update in collaboration with NA-MB-63. When CAG 2.0 is generally updated, this section will be incorporated.
Compliance Reference Crosswalk (CRC)XLSX7/12/2022The EVMS Compliance Reference Crosswalk (CRC) Excel file is used to document the review of the contractor’s EVM system description and supporting procedures under configuration control.
Metric Crosswalk A-C
Metric Crosswalk D-F
Metric Crosswalk G-J-Res 
ZIP1/24/2022These ZIP files contains a comparison breakdown of all the differences between the metrics version 3.0 and 4.0. Each Metric Specification sheet shows the versions side by side and comments the changes.
Metric ListPDF1/21/2022This file contains the entire listing of all DOE EVMS Metrics organized by Process Area and Attribute.
Metric SpecificationPDF1/21/2022This file contains all of the DOE EVMS Metric specifications.
Metric Specification LegendPDF1/21/2022This file is the legend for all metric specification sheets. It explains what each block on the sheets contain for easy reference.


Appendix D: EVMS Compliance Review Team Toolkit
AttachmentFile TypeRevision DateDescription
Analysis Master TemplateXLSX2/9/2022This form provides a template for the review team to document all metrics evaluated during the review.
CAR DR CIO FormDOCX10/29/2018This form provides a template for the review team to document CARs, DRs and CIOs.
CAR DR CIO LogXLSX10/29/2018This form is used by the review team to track all (draft and submitted) CARs, DRs and CIOs.
Certification Review NotificationDOCX11/7/2018This form provides a template to create the memo to communicate the need for an EVMS review.
Data CallDOCX11/28/2018This document lists all data and artifacts that will be requested of the contractor during the review.
Document Request LogXLSX10/11/2018This form is used by the review team to track all documents that have been requested of the contractor.
EVMS Cert MemoDOCX9/15/2018This form provides a template to create the memo to communicate EVMS certification.
EVMS Review In-Brief TemplatePPTX9/15/2018This form provides a template to use during EVMS review in-brief.
EVMS Review Out-Brief TemplatePPTX9/15/2018This form provides a template to use during EVMS review out-brief.
EVMS Compliance Review Plan (in process) 
EVMS Compliance Review Reports (in process) 
IFF Interview TemplateDOCX10/19/2018This form provides a template for the review team to document the review, both the expected topics to be covered, and the results.
IFF LogXLSX10/11/2018This form is used by the review team to track all interviews that have been scheduled/conducted with the contractor.
IFF Questions TemplateXLSX10/19/2018This form provides a template for the review team to develop questions related to the maturity attributes to be covered during the interview.
Self-Governance Review ChecklistDOCX11/28/2018This form provides a template for the review team to develop questions related to contractor self-governance to be covered during the interview.
VAR Quality ChecklistPDF12/12/2018This checklist captures basic expectations for variance analysis; it will be used by the review team to evaluate the quality of published VARs, CAM feedback and training.
Virtual Review Technology ConsiderationsPPTX2/9/2022This presentation provides information on the use of virtual tools and rules of engagement to maximize effectiveness of virtual meetings/reviews.


Additional guidance, templates, and forms referred to or supporting the PM ECRSOP are available at: