Office of Project Management

Image of a waterfall

The Office of Project Management manages the Department's project management governance boards, validates the project performance baselines (scope, cost and schedule) of the Department’s largest construction and environmental clean-up projects prior to budget requests to Congress; develops and assists with the implementation of Department-wide project management-related policies, procedures and systems; conducts certification and guidance reviews of contractor’s earned value management systems; and manages the Project Management Career Development Program to include the professional development, training and certification for the Department’s federal project directors.

Materials Design Laboratory Project

The Office of Project Management (PM) provides independent assessments for capital asset projects and major items of equipment across the DOE/NNSA complex, helping them align with our national and energy security objectives while maximizing value for taxpayers. By conducting impartial project performance analysis, integrating comprehensive policy guidance, and promoting professional development of the department’s project management community: PM supports the completion of projects and the delivery of new capabilities on schedule and within budget while fostering innovation across the complex. This commitment to project management excellence contributes to America's national and energy security and embodies transparency and accountability in service of the public interest.

  • Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Project


    These directives contains project management-related orders and guides that allow federal project directors and project teams to comply with applicable laws and regulations while putting in place most effective project management practices that increase probability of project success.

  • Project Management Newsletter

    The DOE Project Management Newsletter is produced monthly for the DOE community and for others interested in project management best practices.

    PM Newsletter - February 2025

    Want to receive the PM Newsletter directly in your inbox? Follow the instructions below:

    1. Click HERE to open a new email template.
    2. Just press SEND in your email client - Do not edit anything.
    3. Click the provided link in the confirmation email to finalize the subscription.

    If you encounter difficulties with this process, please email [email protected] for assistance.

    An UNSUBSCRIBE LINK is provided in every Newsletter email

  • Earned Value Management

    Earned Value Management (EVM) is a systematic approach to the integration and measurement of cost, schedule, and technical (scope) accomplishments on a project or task. It provides both the government and contractors the ability to examine detailed schedule information, critical program and technical milestones, and cost data.

    Implementation Guidance

    Subject Matter Experts



    PARS Wiki

  • Project Management Workshop

    The annual DOE Project Management Workshop provide opportunities to discuss projects and major challenges with senior leadership, review best practices, share lessons learned, and recognize excellence.

    2025 Project Management Workshop

  • Project Mangement Awards

    Each year, the Secretary of Energy recognizes projects that have demonstrated excellence in the project management discipline. Additionally, the Department recognizes Federal Project Directors who have demonstrated excellence in project management. One award is given to an individual.


  • Performance Metrics

    This section projects regular assessments of DOE’s portfolio of capital assets projects and also includes annual contract and project management improvement performance metrics and targets.

    Project Dashboard

    Root Cause Analysis

    Corrective Action Plan

    RCA/CAP Closure Report

    Metrics & Targets


Contact Us

The Office of Project Management

Office of Project Management

1000 Independence Ave SW
Washington DC 20585

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