About Us


The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Enterprise Assessments (EA) performs independent assessments for DOE senior leadership that report on whether national security material and information assets are appropriately protected and whether Departmental operations provide for the safety of its employees and the public.  In addition, EA implements the Department's congressionally-authorized contractor enforcement programs for security and safety on behalf of the Secretary of Energy and operates the DOE National Training Center (NTC).

Because EA reports directly to the Office of the Secretary, it is organizationally independent of the DOE entities that develop and implement security and safety policies and programs; therefore, EA can provide a “check and balance” function by objectively:

  1. Observing and reporting on the performance of DOE federal and contractor organizations’ implementation of security and safety policies and programs,
  2. Applying enforcement actions to contractor organizations for poor performance in adhering to legally enforceable security and safety requirements, and
  3. Developing and delivering security and safety training programs that reflect best practices and lessons learned from EA independent assessments to enhance workforce performance.