Conservation Standards Enforcement

The Office of the Assistant General Counsel for Enforcement ensures that manufacturers (including importers) of consumer products and industrial equipment meet the nation’s energy and water conservation standards.  These efforts save money for consumers and ensure that products deliver on efficiency claims.  Strong enforcement of the rules encourages compliance and keeps manufacturers who break the law from having a competitive advantage over manufacturers who play by the rules.

Learn more about the Department of Energy’s appliance and industrial equipment standards.



DOE found that Comitale packaged terminal heat pumps model # PH093010WA failed to comply with energy conservation standards.
DOE found that Comitale packaged terminal heat pumps model # PH093010WA failed to comply with energy conservation standards.
DOE found that LG Electronics (LG) clothes washers' model # LUWD1C failed to comply with energy conservation standards.
DOE found that Carrier Corporation commercial split-system central air conditioners model #38AUQA08A0A5-0A0A0 failed to comply with energy conservation standards.
DOE found that Lennox central air conditioning heat pumps' model #'s PRPDF1624*, PRPHP1624* and NP16H24V failed to comply with energy conservation standards.
DOE found that Urano commercial freezers models Urano Header, Urano BT Header, Urano 2500, Urano 1650, and Urano 2100 models failed to comply with energy conservation standards.
DOE found that Cooltech Refrigeration, Inc. commercial refrigerators' basic model #CMPH-38SG failed to comply with energy conservation standards.
DOE found that multiple Research Products Corporations dehumidifiers failed to comply with energy conservation standards.