Conservation Standards Enforcement

The Office of the Assistant General Counsel for Enforcement ensures that manufacturers (including importers) of consumer products and industrial equipment meet the nation’s energy and water conservation standards.  These efforts save money for consumers and ensure that products deliver on efficiency claims.  Strong enforcement of the rules encourages compliance and keeps manufacturers who break the law from having a competitive advantage over manufacturers who play by the rules.

Learn more about the Department of Energy’s appliance and industrial equipment standards.



DOE found that a certain split-system central air conditioning heat pump failed to comply with the energy conservation standards.
DOE ordered Cayuga Displays, Inc. to pay a $2,640 penalty after finding Cayuga distributed in commerce certain noncompliant commercial refrigerators.
DOE found that Ice Air packaged terminal air conditioner model 8RSCT13 failed to comply with the energy conservation standards.
DOE found that commercial refrigerator basic model S32E-3 failed to comply with the energy conservation standards.
DOE found that refrigerated bottled or canned beverage vending machine basic model VUE 40 failed to comply with the energy conservation standards.
DOE found that a variety of liquid-immersed distribution transformers failed to comply with the energy conservation standards.
DOE found that commercial refrigeration equipment basic model JURF-48 failed to comply with the energy conservation standards.