Below are the project presentations and respective peer review results for High Temperature Tools and Sensors, Down-hole Pumps and Drilling.
- Multiparameter Fiber Optic Sensing System for Monitoring Enhanced Geothermal Systems, Dr. Aaron J. Knobloch, GE Global Research
- High-Temperature-High-Volume Lifting for Enhanced Geothermal Systems, Norman Turnquist, GE Global Research
- Pressure Sensor and Telemetry Methods for Measurement While Drilling in Geothermal Wells, Vinayak Tilak, GE Global Research
- OM300: GeoThermal MWD Navigation Instrument (A High Temperature 300°C Directional Drilling Tool), Douglas MacGugan and Bruce Ohme, Honeywell Aerospace; Bob Goodman, Applied Physics Systems
- Microhole Arrays Drilled with Advanced Abrasive Slurry Jet Technology to Efficiently Exploit Enhanced Geothermal Systems, Kenneth D. Oglesby, Impact Technologies LLC
- Technology Development and Field Trials of EGS Drilling Systems, Stephen Bauer, Sandia National Laboratories
- Base Technology and Tools for Super Critical Reservoir, Joseph A. Henfling, Sandia National Laboratories
- Advanced Drilling Systems for EGS, David Hall, Novatek
- Imaging Fluid Flow in Geothermal Wells Using Distributed Thermal Perturbation Sensing, Barry Freifeld, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Feasibility and Design Studies for a High Temperature Downhole Tool, Hatice Akkurt, Zane Bell, Lynn Boatner, John Neal, Peter Chiaro, and Mike McCarthy, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Multipurpose Acoustic Sensor for Downhole Fluid Monitoring, Cristian Pantea, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Wear-Resistant NanoComposite Stainless Steel Coatings and Bits for Geothermal Drilling, William Peter, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Harsh Environment Silicon Carbide Sensor Technology for Geothermal Instrumentation, Prof. Albert P. Pisano and Dr. Debbie G. Senesky, UC Berkeley
- Complete Fiber/Copper Cable Solution for Long-Term Temperature and Pressure Measurement in Supercritical Reservoirs and EGS Wells, Dr. Mark Lowell, Draka Cableteq USA
- Development of a Hydrothermal Spallation Drilling System for EGS, Jared M. Potter, Potter Drilling, Inc.
- High-Temperature Circuit Boards for Use in Geothermal Well Monitoring Applications, Matthew Hooker, Composite Technology Development, Inc.
- High Temperature 300°C Directional Drilling System, John Macpherson, Baker Hughes Oilfield Operations