2014 Tribal Energy Program Review Meeting Presentations

Find presentations from the 2014 Tribal Energy Program Review held March 24–27, 2014, in Golden, Colorado, below. Sort by topic, tribe, presenter, or presentation title.

Topic Tribe Presenter Presentation
Agenda Agenda
Overview Christine-Platt Patrick DOE Welcoming Remarks
Overview Tracey LeBeau DOE's Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs
Overview Lizana Pierce Tribal Energy Program Overview
Overview Sandra Begay-Campbell Tribal Energy Program Student Internship Program
Overview Chelsea Chee Internship Program: An Intern's Perspective
Overview Mark Randall Tribal Wind Farm Leases (Health Act versus BIA Approval)
Planning for Energy Development Lizana Pierce Pathways to Energy Development and Energy Security
Planning for Energy Development Cabazon Band of Mission Indians Becky Ross Strategic Energy Planning: Renewable Energy Demonstration Center (CA)
Planning for Energy Development Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation Cary Tonasket Tribal Utility Development (WA)
Planning for Energy Development Quinault Indian Nation Michael Cardwell Comprehensive Biomass Strategic Planning Project (WA)
Planning for Energy Development Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians Lars Davenport Strategic Energy Planning and Capacity Building Project (CA)
Planning for Energy Development Yerington Paiute Tribe Ginny Hatch Building Organizational Capacity for Renewable Energy Projects (NV)
Energy Efficiency: The Low Hanging Fruit Coeur d'Alene Tribe James Alexie; James Helmstetter Energy Efficiency Feasibility Study and Benewah Market Energy Efficiency Project (ID)
Energy Efficiency: The Low Hanging Fruit Forest County Potawatomi Community Terry Rye Assessing Energy Upgrades at Potawatomi Carter Casino Hotel (WI)
Energy Efficiency: The Low Hanging Fruit Oneida Tribe of Indians Michael Troge; Gene Schubert Energy Optimization Model Development and Energy Audits (WI)
Energy Efficiency: The Low Hanging Fruit Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Brian Lipscomb Feasibility Study to Determine the Technical and Economic Viability of a Co-generation Biomass Fuel Power Plant and Organizational Development for the Acquisition of KERR Dam (MT)
Energy Efficiency: The Low Hanging Fruit Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Willie Stevens Assessing the Potential Reductions in Energy Use in Tribal Buildings (MT)
Energy Efficiency: The Low Hanging Fruit Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Jeff Holt; Kathleen Brosemer Building Audit Training and Energy Audits (MI)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Todd Hooks Wind/Solar Project at Whitewater Ranch (CA)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes Shawn Olson Electricity Generation from Geothermal Resources (MT)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Lac Courte Oreilles (LCO) Band Jason Weaver Assessing the Feasibility of the LCO Hydro Dam (WI)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Pueblo of Zia Peter Pino; Jai Lakshman; Loren Toole Renewable Energy Development Feasibility Study (NM)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Gila River Indian Community Rudy Miz; Tim Rooney; Anneliese Schmidt Renewable Energy Feasibility Study (AZ)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma Lisa Switch; Michelle Lholiday Assessment of Wind Resource on Tribal Land (OK)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Navajo Hopi Land Commission Christina Lewis, Robert Kennedy Feasibility Study for 4,000MW Solar Power at Paragon-Bisti Ranch (AZ)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Pinoleville Pomo Nation Zack Sampsel Renewable Energy Feasibility Study (CA)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Pascua Yaqui Tribe Maria Arvayo DOE Solar Feasibility and Deployment Study (AZ)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Pascua Yaqui Tribe Tanya Martinez Solar Feasibility Study (AZ)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Stockbridge-Munsee Community Greg Bunker Feasibility of Using Solar to Power the Health and Wellness Center (WI)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Ute Mountain Ute Tribe Tawnie Knight 1MW Solar Farm Feasibility Study (CO)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Fawn Wasin-Zi Feasibility Study Supporting Wind Development & Establishment of Renewable Energy and Energy Development Office (ND)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Te-Moak Tribe of Western Shoshone Rhonda Hicks; Jim Gelford; Donna Hill; Brenda Gilbert; Rollie Wilson; Joe Bourg Feasibility Study for Battle Mountain Renewable Energy Park (NV)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development San Carlos Apache Tribe Gail Haozous Solar Feasibility Study (AZ)
Clean Energy Development in Alaska Council of Athabascan Tribal Governments (CATG) Kelda Britton Fort Yukon Wood Energy Program: Wood Boiler Deployment (AK)
Clean Energy Development in Alaska Gwichyaa Zhee Gwich'in Tribal Government (GZGTG) Tony Peter; David Pelunis-Messier Gwich'in Solar and Energy Efficiency in the Arctic (AK)
Clean Energy Development in Alaska Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) Rebecca Pollis Energy Efficiency Upgrades for Sanitation Facilities in Selawik (AK)
Clean Energy Development in Alaska Native Village of Eyak John Whissel Wind Energy Resource Assessment on Alaska Native Lands in Cordova Region of Prince William Sound (AK)
Clean Energy Development in Alaska Kootznoowoo Incorporated Peter Naoroz 1 MW Thayer Creek Hydro-electric Development Project (AK)
Clean Energy Development in Alaska Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council (YRITWC) Dan Goodman Energy Efficiency for Nunamiut People of Anaktuvuk Pass (AK)
Clean Energy Development in Alaska Aleutian Pribilof Island Association Bruce Wright; Worthington False Pass Tidal Energy Feasibility Project (AK)
Clean Energy Development in Alaska Port Graham Village Council Charles Sink Community Building Biomass Heating Design Project (AK)
Clean Energy Development in Alaska Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority (THRHA) Tasha McKoy Energy Cents Program - Household Energy Use Assessments, Monitoring and Household Energy Education (AK)
Indian Renewable Energy Development Campo Band of Mission Indians Vice-Chairman Paul Cuero, Melissa Estes Kumeyaay Wind II (CA)
Indian Renewable Energy Development Cherokee Nation Businesses Carol Wyatt Cherokee Wind Energy Energy Development (OK)
Indian Renewable Energy Development Rosebud Sioux Tribes Paul Valandra, John Lytle (First American Power) RST Wind Energy Development (SD)
Indian Renewable Energy Development To'Hajiilee Economic Development, Inc. (TEDI) Delores Apache, Harrison Platero, Doug MacCourt (Ater Wynne LLC) Shandiin Solar Farm Development To'Hajiilee (NM)
Indian Renewable Energy Development Southern Ute Indian Tribe James Jensen Community-Scale Solar Project (CO)
Indian Renewable Energy Development Tonto Apache Tribe Joseph Bresette, Barry Coe (SunRenu Solar) Solar for Governmental and Community Facilities Project (AZ)
Indian Renewable Energy Development Menominee Tribal Enterprises (MTE) Norman Shawanokasic, Tom Wilson (Wilson Engineering) District Biomass Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Project (WI)
Indian Renewable Energy Development Seneca Nation of Indians Elizabeth Drag, James Yockey (URS, Inc.) 1.8 MW Wind Turbine on Tribal Common Lands near Lake Erie in New York State (NY)
Indian Renewable Energy Development White Earth Reservation Tribal Council Michael Triplett Biogas/Biomass Feasibility Study and Shooting Star Casino Biomass Boiler Project (MN)
Indian Renewable Energy Development Winnebago Tribe Autumn Nieman, Charles Aldrich Solar Project (NE)
Indian Renewable Energy Development Forest County Potawatomi Community (FCPC) Nathan Karman Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Systems (WI)