Find presentations from the 2014 Tribal Energy Program Review held March 24–27, 2014, in Golden, Colorado, below. Sort by topic, tribe, presenter, or presentation title.
Topic | Tribe | Presenter | Presentation |
Agenda | Agenda | ||
Overview | Christine-Platt Patrick | DOE Welcoming Remarks | |
Overview | Tracey LeBeau | DOE's Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs | |
Overview | Lizana Pierce | Tribal Energy Program Overview | |
Overview | Sandra Begay-Campbell | Tribal Energy Program Student Internship Program | |
Overview | Chelsea Chee | Internship Program: An Intern's Perspective | |
Overview | Mark Randall | Tribal Wind Farm Leases (Health Act versus BIA Approval) | |
Planning for Energy Development | Lizana Pierce | Pathways to Energy Development and Energy Security | |
Planning for Energy Development | Cabazon Band of Mission Indians | Becky Ross | Strategic Energy Planning: Renewable Energy Demonstration Center (CA) |
Planning for Energy Development | Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation | Cary Tonasket | Tribal Utility Development (WA) |
Planning for Energy Development | Quinault Indian Nation | Michael Cardwell | Comprehensive Biomass Strategic Planning Project (WA) |
Planning for Energy Development | Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians | Lars Davenport | Strategic Energy Planning and Capacity Building Project (CA) |
Planning for Energy Development | Yerington Paiute Tribe | Ginny Hatch | Building Organizational Capacity for Renewable Energy Projects (NV) |
Energy Efficiency: The Low Hanging Fruit | Coeur d'Alene Tribe | James Alexie; James Helmstetter | Energy Efficiency Feasibility Study and Benewah Market Energy Efficiency Project (ID) |
Energy Efficiency: The Low Hanging Fruit | Forest County Potawatomi Community | Terry Rye | Assessing Energy Upgrades at Potawatomi Carter Casino Hotel (WI) |
Energy Efficiency: The Low Hanging Fruit | Oneida Tribe of Indians | Michael Troge; Gene Schubert | Energy Optimization Model Development and Energy Audits (WI) |
Energy Efficiency: The Low Hanging Fruit | Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes | Brian Lipscomb | Feasibility Study to Determine the Technical and Economic Viability of a Co-generation Biomass Fuel Power Plant and Organizational Development for the Acquisition of KERR Dam (MT) |
Energy Efficiency: The Low Hanging Fruit | Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes | Willie Stevens | Assessing the Potential Reductions in Energy Use in Tribal Buildings (MT) |
Energy Efficiency: The Low Hanging Fruit | Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians | Jeff Holt; Kathleen Brosemer | Building Audit Training and Energy Audits (MI) |
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development | Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians | Todd Hooks | Wind/Solar Project at Whitewater Ranch (CA) |
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development | Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes | Shawn Olson | Electricity Generation from Geothermal Resources (MT) |
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development | Lac Courte Oreilles (LCO) Band | Jason Weaver | Assessing the Feasibility of the LCO Hydro Dam (WI) |
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development | Pueblo of Zia | Peter Pino; Jai Lakshman; Loren Toole | Renewable Energy Development Feasibility Study (NM) |
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development | Gila River Indian Community | Rudy Miz; Tim Rooney; Anneliese Schmidt | Renewable Energy Feasibility Study (AZ) |
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development | Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma | Lisa Switch; Michelle Lholiday | Assessment of Wind Resource on Tribal Land (OK) |
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development | Navajo Hopi Land Commission | Christina Lewis, Robert Kennedy | Feasibility Study for 4,000MW Solar Power at Paragon-Bisti Ranch (AZ) |
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development | Pinoleville Pomo Nation | Zack Sampsel | Renewable Energy Feasibility Study (CA) |
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development | Pascua Yaqui Tribe | Maria Arvayo | DOE Solar Feasibility and Deployment Study (AZ) |
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development | Pascua Yaqui Tribe | Tanya Martinez | Solar Feasibility Study (AZ) |
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development | Stockbridge-Munsee Community | Greg Bunker | Feasibility of Using Solar to Power the Health and Wellness Center (WI) |
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development | Ute Mountain Ute Tribe | Tawnie Knight | 1MW Solar Farm Feasibility Study (CO) |
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development | Standing Rock Sioux Tribe | Fawn Wasin-Zi | Feasibility Study Supporting Wind Development & Establishment of Renewable Energy and Energy Development Office (ND) |
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development | Te-Moak Tribe of Western Shoshone | Rhonda Hicks; Jim Gelford; Donna Hill; Brenda Gilbert; Rollie Wilson; Joe Bourg | Feasibility Study for Battle Mountain Renewable Energy Park (NV) |
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development | San Carlos Apache Tribe | Gail Haozous | Solar Feasibility Study (AZ) |
Clean Energy Development in Alaska | Council of Athabascan Tribal Governments (CATG) | Kelda Britton | Fort Yukon Wood Energy Program: Wood Boiler Deployment (AK) |
Clean Energy Development in Alaska | Gwichyaa Zhee Gwich'in Tribal Government (GZGTG) | Tony Peter; David Pelunis-Messier | Gwich'in Solar and Energy Efficiency in the Arctic (AK) |
Clean Energy Development in Alaska | Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) | Rebecca Pollis | Energy Efficiency Upgrades for Sanitation Facilities in Selawik (AK) |
Clean Energy Development in Alaska | Native Village of Eyak | John Whissel | Wind Energy Resource Assessment on Alaska Native Lands in Cordova Region of Prince William Sound (AK) |
Clean Energy Development in Alaska | Kootznoowoo Incorporated | Peter Naoroz | 1 MW Thayer Creek Hydro-electric Development Project (AK) |
Clean Energy Development in Alaska | Yukon River Inter-Tribal Watershed Council (YRITWC) | Dan Goodman | Energy Efficiency for Nunamiut People of Anaktuvuk Pass (AK) |
Clean Energy Development in Alaska | Aleutian Pribilof Island Association | Bruce Wright; Worthington | False Pass Tidal Energy Feasibility Project (AK) |
Clean Energy Development in Alaska | Port Graham Village Council | Charles Sink | Community Building Biomass Heating Design Project (AK) |
Clean Energy Development in Alaska | Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority (THRHA) | Tasha McKoy | Energy Cents Program - Household Energy Use Assessments, Monitoring and Household Energy Education (AK) |
Indian Renewable Energy Development | Campo Band of Mission Indians | Vice-Chairman Paul Cuero, Melissa Estes | Kumeyaay Wind II (CA) |
Indian Renewable Energy Development | Cherokee Nation Businesses | Carol Wyatt | Cherokee Wind Energy Energy Development (OK) |
Indian Renewable Energy Development | Rosebud Sioux Tribes | Paul Valandra, John Lytle (First American Power) | RST Wind Energy Development (SD) |
Indian Renewable Energy Development | To'Hajiilee Economic Development, Inc. (TEDI) | Delores Apache, Harrison Platero, Doug MacCourt (Ater Wynne LLC) | Shandiin Solar Farm Development To'Hajiilee (NM) |
Indian Renewable Energy Development | Southern Ute Indian Tribe | James Jensen | Community-Scale Solar Project (CO) |
Indian Renewable Energy Development | Tonto Apache Tribe | Joseph Bresette, Barry Coe (SunRenu Solar) | Solar for Governmental and Community Facilities Project (AZ) |
Indian Renewable Energy Development | Menominee Tribal Enterprises (MTE) | Norman Shawanokasic, Tom Wilson (Wilson Engineering) | District Biomass Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Project (WI) |
Indian Renewable Energy Development | Seneca Nation of Indians | Elizabeth Drag, James Yockey (URS, Inc.) | 1.8 MW Wind Turbine on Tribal Common Lands near Lake Erie in New York State (NY) |
Indian Renewable Energy Development | White Earth Reservation Tribal Council | Michael Triplett | Biogas/Biomass Feasibility Study and Shooting Star Casino Biomass Boiler Project (MN) |
Indian Renewable Energy Development | Winnebago Tribe | Autumn Nieman, Charles Aldrich | Solar Project (NE) |
Indian Renewable Energy Development | Forest County Potawatomi Community (FCPC) | Nathan Karman | Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Systems (WI) |