H2@Airports Workshop

The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (HFTO), in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration (U.S. DOT-FAA), the U.S. Air Force, and the U.S. Navy, hosted the virtual H2@Airports Workshop on November 4–6, 2020. The workshop convened more than 90 experts from government, academia, and industry to share information on the status of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), aircraft, and ground support applications.

The workshop included two breakout sessions where participants also identified hydrogen and fuel cells progress, challenges, and potential opportunities in the aviation sector that can enable DOE's H2@Scale initiative.


H2@Airports Workshop Agenda


H2@Airports Workshop Report


Session I: Government Perspectives on Hydrogen for Airports and Aviation Applications

U.S. Department of Energy, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office, Sunita Satyapal

U.S. Department of the Air Force, Roberto Guerrero

U.S. Department of the Navy, Jim Caley

U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, James Hileman

NASA Glenn Research Center, Steven Schneider

California Air Resources Board, Leslie Goodbody

Session II: Aircraft Safety Research Codes and Standards

U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Michael Walz

Joint SAE (AE-7AFC) / EUROCAE (WG-80) Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Working Group, Olivier Savin

Sandia National Laboratories, Brian Ehrhart

Session III: UAV Development and Refueling

Doosan Mobility Innovation, Doo Soon Lee

Honeywell Aerospace, Phil Robinson

Intelligent Energy, Chris Dudfield

Plug Power, Thomas Jones

ReadyH2, Joe Uhr

IGX Group, Michael Koonce

Session IV: Electric Aircraft Development

Airbus, Amanda Simpson

Boeing, Sean Newsum

ZeroAvia, Val Miftakhov

Alaka'i Technologies, Bruce Holmes

Hyundai Motor Group, W. Kyle Heironimus

Session V: Hydrogen Aviation Research and Assessments

Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy (ARPA-E), Grigorii Soloveichik

University of Illinois, Phil Ansell

Argonne National Laboratory, Rajesh Ahluwalia

Session VI: Airport Ground Equipment Perspectives

Plug Power, Joe Blanchard

US Hybrid, Abas Goodarzi

BAE Systems, Bob Hess

Cummins, Ryan Sookhoo

Session VII: Airport Ground Transportation Perspectives

Center for Transportation and the Environment, Joel Donham

Charlatte America, Rob Lamb

Lightning eMotors, William Kelley

Sunline Transit Agency, Lauren Skiver

Stark Area Regional Transit Authority (SARTA), Kirt Conrad

Session VIII: Airport Refueling Systems Developer Perspectives

Air Liquide, Dave Edwards

Linde, Al Burgunder