Advancing Synergistic Waste Utilization as Biofuels Feedstocks: Preprocessing, Co-Products, and Sustainability Workshop Presentations

The following are presentations from the U.S. Department of Energy Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) Advancing Synergistic Waste Utilization as Biofuels Feedstocks: Preprocessing, Co-Products, and Sustainability Workshop held April 14–15, 2021.

Day 1 Presentations

Presentation Title Speaker Organization
Welcome and Opening Remarks Chenlin Li BETO
BETO Mission and Vision Valerie Sarisky-Reed BETO
BETO Feedstock Technologies Research and Development Program Overview Nichole Fitzgerald BETO
Waste Preprocessing and Sustainability JD Lindeberg RRS
Lessons Learned in the Feedstock-Conversion Interface Consortium (FCIC) Edward J. Wolfrum National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Development of a Deployable Plastic Sorting and Decontamination System Jeff Lacey Idaho National Laboratory
Fractionation of MSW: What Can We Learn from Plant Biomass Biorefinery Junyong Zhu U.S. Department of Agriculture
Hydrofaction®, Transforming Organic Waste Into Advanced Biofuels and Other Valuable Resources Perry Toms Steeper Energy

Day 2 Presentations

Presentation Title Speaker Organization
Feedstock Co-product Development Opportunity Charles Tremblay Enerkem
Optimizing Biorefinery Infrastructure Toward "Zero Waste" Agricultural William Orts U.S. Department of Agriculture
Maximizing the Value of Biofuel Feedstock through Diverse Applications Soydan Ozcan Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Utilization of Waste PLA and Assessment of Its Environmental Sustainability Shakira Hobbs University of Kentucky
Infrastructure, Economics & Sustainability Considerations for MSW into Viable Products Stacy Katz WSP
Bioenergy, Sustainability, and Waste Resources Jay Fitzgerald BETO