DOE/EA-2107: Draft Environmental Assessment

Draft EA (August 2021) for Proposed Demolition of the Buildings at the Piqua, Ohio, Decommissioned Reactor Site in Ohio.

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

August 20, 2021
minute read time

Proposed Demolition of the Buildings at the Piqua, Ohio, Decommissioned Reactor Site; Miami County Ohio

DOE issued a draft EA on the Proposed Demolition of the Buildings at the Piqua, Ohio, Decommissioned Reactor Site (DOE/EA-2107) on the potential environmental impacts associated with proposed actions at the Piqua, Ohio, Decommissioned Reactor Site in Miami County, Ohio.

For more information, see Demolition of the Buildings at the Piqua, Ohio, Decommissioned Reactor Site.