Plains & Eastern Clean Line Transmission Project
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
November 4, 2015Plains & Eastern Clean Line Transmission Project
DOE prepared this Final EIS to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of the proposed Plains & Eastern Project and alternatives to it. The proposed Project would include an overhead ± 600-kilovolt high-voltage direct current electric transmission system and associated facilities with the capacity to deliver approximately 3,500 megawatts primarily from renewable energy generation facilities in the Oklahoma and Texas Panhandle regions to load-serving entities in the Mid-South and Southeast United States via an interconnection with the Tennessee Valley Authority in Tennessee.
DOE issued an errata sheet for the Final EIS on February 26, 2016, to disclose errors and inconsistences in the Final EIS. DOE has considered each of these errata individually and collectively and has determined that they do not represent significant new information relevant to environmental concerns and do not change the conclusions in the Final EIS.
For more information on this project, see Plains & Eastern Clean Line Transmission Project.