Grant Recipient Resources

The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Indian Energy provides funding on a competitive basis for tribal energy generation, resiliency, infrastructure, and electrification deployment projects. This web page is intended to provide resources to applicants selected for award negotiations and award recipients.

If you have questions, contact your assigned DOE Project Officer or the Office of Indian Energy main helpdesk at 240-562-1352 or [email protected]

Recipient Guide

This Recipient Guide to Award Negotiation and Administration is intended to help award recipients navigate DOE and the Office of Indian Energy award process and includes the pre-award process, the critical first few days after selection, execution of the award, award administration, and closeout of the agreement.

The appendices to this guide include a glossary of common DOE terms and acronyms, along with step-by-step instructions with screenshots to help grant recipients navigate the DOE grant systems as follows:


Recipients of funding are required to attend two webinars that provide an introduction to our team, information on the negotiation process, responsibilities of entities selected for negotiation of award, an overview of award documents, and award administration requirements, specifically the responsibilities of recipients throughout the award period.

Example of past presentations (slides only):

Example of past webinars (recordings):

Note: Registration is required to view the webinar recordings above.


The following describes the quarterly, annual, and final reporting requirements, as well as the forms and templates needed to report. Any additional reporting requirements will be documented on the Federal Assistance Reporting Checklist included as part of individual award documents. See Appendix 10 for a sample Federal Assistance Reporting Checklist.

For post-award standard reporting forms and instructions, see

Quarterly Reporting

Progress and financial reports will be required on a quarterly basis, due 30 days after the calendar quarter (e.g., for quarter January 1 through March 31, reports are due by April 30).

Progress Report

Federal Financial Report (SF-425)

Note: Use of the Progress Report template is not required; however, the content included in the template is required.

Annual Reporting

All funding recipients are required to attend and present progress on their project each year of the grant at the annual Office of Indian Energy Program Review, typically held each fall in Lakewood, Colorado. This venue is also a unique opportunity to meet and learn from others developing tribal energy.

For more, see past presentations.

Final Reporting

All funding recipients are required to complete a comprehensive final technical report documenting the outcome of a funded project, and complete, as a minimum, a Final Federal Financial Report (SF-425) and Property Forms (SF-428, SF-428B, and SF-428S).

Final Federal Financial Report (SF-425)

Property Forms (SF-428, SF-428B, and SF-428S)

Final Technical Report

The comprehensive final report is intended as an accounting of all activities performed under the grant, and a comprehensive description of the results achieved, including lessons learned. The Comprehensive Final Report outline includes a summary of the required report content. To view example final reports, view previously completed projects or contact us.

Note: Use of the comprehensive Final Technical Report outline is not required; however, the content included in the outline is required.