2012 Tribal Energy Program Review Meeting Presentations

Find presentations from the November 2012 Tribal Energy Program Review in Denver, Colorado, below. Sort by topic, tribe, presenter, or presentation title.

Topic Tribe/Affiliation Presenter Presentation
Overview Lizana Pierce Tribal Energy Program Overview
Overview Douglas C. MacCourt The Business of Energy Development: Basics for Tribal Projects
Overview Lizana Pierce Pathways to Energy Development and Energy Security
Overview Winona LaDuke Sustainable Tribal Economies
Strategic Energy Planning Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians Cherlyn Seruto Strategic Energy Planning and Capacity Building Project (CA)
Strategic Energy Planning Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians Erica HelmsSchenk Strategic Tribal Energy Planning Project (CA)
Strategic Energy Planning Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians Claire Wood Next Step for STEP (OR)
Strategic Energy Planning Quinault Indian Nation Jesse Cardenas Comprehensive Biomass Strategic Planning
Strategic Energy Planning Ponca Tribe Stephanie PrichardSlobotski Project Earth Lover (NE)
Organization and Skills for Success Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation Karenia Simpson Tribal Utility Development (WA)
Organization and Skills for Success Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians TeMashio Anderson Scotts Valley Energy Office and Human Capacity Building (CA)
Organization and Skills for Success Washoe Tribe Tara Hess Alternative Energy Feasibility Study and Nevada InterTribal Energy Consortium Organization Enhancement Project (NV)
Organization and Skills for Success Little River Band of Ottawa Indians David Hawley Human Capacity Building (MI)
Student Internships and Green Buildings Sandra BegayCampbell Introduction to DOE's Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and Student Internships
Student Internships and Green Buildings Chelsea Chee Tribal Green Building Codes and Policy
Energy Efficiency The Low Hanging Fruit The Sea Lion Corporation William Naneng, TaraJo Anderson Hooper Bay Energy Efficiency Feasibility Study (AK)
Energy Efficiency The Low Hanging Fruit Coeur d'Alene Tribe James Helmstetter, Glenda Matt Energy Efficiency Feasibility Study Project (ID)
Energy Efficiency The Low Hanging Fruit Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Willie Stevens Assessing the Potential Reductions in Energy Use in Tribal Buildings (MT)
Energy Efficiency The Low Hanging Fruit Forest County Potawatomi Community Mercedes Vega Energy Efficiency Improvements to Wunder Hall (WI)
Energy Efficiency The Low Hanging Fruit Forest County Potawatomi Community Mercedes Vega Assessing Energy Upgrades at Potawatomi Carter Casino Hotel (WI)
Energy Efficiency The Low Hanging Fruit Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Jeff Holt, Kathleen Brosemer Building Audit Training and Energy Audits (MI)
Energy Efficiency The Low Hanging Fruit InterTribal Council of Michigan, Inc. Chris Kushman Energy Efficiency Study and Resulting Plan for the Bay Mills Indian Community (MI)
Energy Efficiency The Low Hanging Fruit Oneida Tribe of Indians Eugene Schubert Energy Optimization Model Development and Energy Audits (WI)
Energy Efficiency The Low Hanging Fruit Native Village of Unalakleet Cory DiRutigliano Feasibility Study for Retrofit of 14 Apartment Complex (AK)
Retrofits for Energy Savings Nez Perce Tribe Terry Kinder Energy Efficient Facilities Installation Project (ID)
Retrofits for Energy Savings Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Manuel Maples Facility Retrofit Project
Renewables for Village Heating Chaninik Wind Group William Igkurak, Dennis Meiners Thermal Heating to Enhance the Efficiency of WindDiesel Hybrid Power Generation in Tribal Regions of Alaska (AK)
Renewables for Village Heating Port Graham Village Council Charles Sink Community Building Biomass Heating Design Project
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Aqua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians Todd Hooks Wind/Solar Project at Whitewater Ranch (CA)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Chickaloon Native Village Michael Williams Uk'e koley "No Footprint" (RE and EE) Feasibility Study (AK)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes Tashina Tibbitts Electricity Generation from Geothermal Resources (MT)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Brian Lipscomb Feasibility Study to Determine the Technical and Economic Viability of a Cogeneration Biomass Fuel Power Plant and Organizational Development for the Acquisition of KERR Dam (MT)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Pueblo of Zia Peter Pino, Loren Toole, Michael Emerson Renewable Energy Development Feasibility Study (NM)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Navajo Hopi Land Commission Roman Bitsuie Feasibility Study for 4,000 MW Solar Power at ParagonBisti Ranch (AZ)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development San Carlos Apache Tribe Nathaniel "Eddie" Nash, James Rapp Solar Feasibility Study and Tribal Energy Organization Project (AZ)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development StockbridgeMunsee Community Greg Bunker Feasibility of Using Solar to Power the Health and Wellness Center
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Ute Mountain Ute Tribe Celene Hawkins 1 MW Solar Farm Feasibility Study
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Gila River Indian Community Rudy Mix Renewable Energy Feasibility Study (AZ)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Pascua Yaqui Tribe Maria Arvayo Solar Feasibility Study (AZ)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma Robert Waters Assessment of Wind Resource on Tribal Land (OK)
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development White Earth Reservation Tribal Council Jerome Lhotka, Michael Triplett Biogas/Biomass Feasibility Study
Feasibility of Renewable Energy Development Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Fawn Wasin Zi (unable to attend; PowerPoint provided) Feasibility Study Supporting Wind Development and Establishment of Renewable Energy and Energy Development Office (ND)
Renewable Energy Development and Deployment Hualapai Tribe Mark Randall Hualapai Wind Energy Development (AZ)
Renewable Energy Development and Deployment Campo Band of Mission Indians Mike Connolly Kumeyaay Wind II (CA)
Renewable Energy Development and Deployment Cherokee Nation Businesses Carol Wyatt Cherokee Wind Energy Development (OK)
Renewable Energy Development and Deployment Rosebud Sioux Tribes Paul Valandra North Antelope Highlands Wind Development Project (SD)
Renewable Energy Development and Deployment To'Hajiilee Economic Development, Inc. (TEDI) Delores Apache, Rob Burpo Shandiin Solar Farm Development To'Hajiilee (NM)
Renewable Energy Development and Deployment Oneida Seven Generations Corp. William Cornelius A Waste to Energy Project