Newsroom - Legacy

Media Inquiries:

Contact the Office of Public Affairs at (202) 586-4940 or [email protected]


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When Virginia Castro returned from temporary assignment to Puerto Rico, she brought back memories and lessons that transformed her perspective.

Press Releases

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DOE also exploring innovative ways to monitor the long term resiliency of our grid.

Press Releases

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As the Director, Ms. Armstrong’s responsibilities will extend across Department of Energy’s program offices, its 17 national labs.

Press Releases

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Projects will address critical gaps in our understanding of reservoir behavior, optimal well-completion strategies, and more.


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Before we close out 2017, let’s take a look back at some of the big things we did on and what you liked and shared the most.


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On December 20, federal employees were invited to meet STEM organizations at the 4th Annual Interagency STEM Volunteer Fair.


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Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) is celebrating 40 years of service to its customers on 12/21/17—the anniversary of its official designation.

Press Releases

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This primer explains what NGLs are, how they are used, recent market developments, and the supporting infrastructure in the Appalachian region.

Press Releases

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Eight projects to advance predictive modeling capabilities for solar generation.


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Dr. Martin Keller, Director of the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) in Colorado, explains why STEM is critical to our country's future.