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Learn how the Energy Department is helping power NASA's future space missions.
Transmission system will deliver up to 1090 megawatts of low-emission, reliable hydropower from Quebec, Canada to Deerfield, New Hampshire.
An article on the Grid Analysis and Design for Energy and Infrastructure Resiliency for New Orleans project.
Idaho National Laboratory (INL) achieved an important step towards restoring U.S. nuclear energy transient testing capability.
At Savannah River National Laboratory, "We Put Science to Work." Learn about the Lab’s innovative work in STEM from Director Michalske in this blog.
Authorization comes after the Agreements for Commercializing Technology pilot successfully completed a six-year pilot study.
Officials visit islands to assess damages and discuss ongoing recovery efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.
The violation is associated with worker retaliation by SRNS against an employee at the Savannah River Site in 2015.
More than 100 eighth-grade students from Santa Fe Indian School received mentoring from scientists at the Laboratory's first STEM Mentoring Café.
After Hurricane Harvey, laser-guided drone technology funded by ARPA-E helped with recovery efforts by searching for leaking natural gas pipelines.