Newsroom - Legacy

Media Inquiries:

Contact the Office of Public Affairs at (202) 586-4940 or [email protected]


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Learn how the Energy Department is helping power NASA's future space missions.

Press Releases

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Transmission system will deliver up to 1090 megawatts of low-emission, reliable hydropower from Quebec, Canada to Deerfield, New Hampshire.


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An article on the Grid Analysis and Design for Energy and Infrastructure Resiliency for New Orleans project.

Press Releases

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Idaho National Laboratory (INL) achieved an important step towards restoring U.S. nuclear energy transient testing capability.


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At Savannah River National Laboratory, "We Put Science to Work." Learn about the Lab’s innovative work in STEM from Director Michalske in this blog.

Press Releases

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Authorization comes after the Agreements for Commercializing Technology pilot successfully completed a six-year pilot study.

Press Releases

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Officials visit islands to assess damages and discuss ongoing recovery efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.

Press Releases

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The violation is associated with worker retaliation by SRNS against an employee at the Savannah River Site in 2015.


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More than 100 eighth-grade students from Santa Fe Indian School received mentoring from scientists at the Laboratory's first STEM Mentoring Café.


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After Hurricane Harvey, laser-guided drone technology funded by ARPA-E helped with recovery efforts by searching for leaking natural gas pipelines.