Newsroom - Legacy

Media Inquiries:

Contact the Office of Public Affairs at (202) 586-4940 or [email protected]


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Mark Peters, Director of Idaho National Lab, discusses the importance of STEM education.

Press Releases

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Selected clean energy projects will receive $4.8 million through Binational Industrial Research and Development program.


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The science hidden in Stranger Things' science fiction.

Press Releases

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Secretary of Energy Rick Perry issues statement on the Energy Department's regulatory review report to the President.

Press Releases

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Energy Department Press Secretary issues statement about FERC public comments.

Press Releases

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Energy Department announces up to $20 million in funding for projects as part of a new Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy program.

Press Releases

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U.S. Department of Energy and the Nuclear Energy Institute host a “Millennial Nuclear Caucus” as part of this year’s Nuclear Science Week.


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A re-cap of the Department of Energy's visit to G.I.R.L. 2017 in Ohio.

Press Releases

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Approximately $23 million in new grants will support scientific advancement.

Press Releases

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Selected projects will support DOE’s Carbon Capture Program.