DOE also exploring innovative ways to monitor the long term resiliency of our grid.
January 8, 2018Secretary of Energy Rick Perry: “I appreciate the Commission’s consideration and effort to further assess the marketplace distortions that are putting the long-term resiliency of our electric grid at risk. As intended, my proposal initiated a national debate on the resiliency of our electric system. What is not debatable is that a diverse fuel supply, especially with onsite fuel capability, plays an essential role in providing Americans with reliable, resilient and affordable electricity, particularly in times of weather-related stress like we are seeing now. I look forward to continuing to work with the Commissioners to ensure the integrity of the electric grid.”
Shaylyn Hynes, DOE Spokeswoman: “As much of the nation faces frigid temperatures, large portions of our electric grid are being severely stressed. While the grid's integrity is being maintained by an abundant and diverse supply of fuel sources today, the real question is whether or not this diversity will be here tomorrow. Marketplace distortions are putting the very resource mix that has enabled our ability to endure severe events at risk. Without action, we cannot guarantee the long term reliability and resiliency of the electric grid. This is a priority for Secretary Perry, because energy security drives the economy and ensures our nation’s security.
Secretary Perry’s call to action sparked a vital national conversation on the resiliency of our electric grid. The Secretary is pleased that FERC heard his call and is directing the regional transmission organizations and independent system operators to take steps to continue to address these important issues. He looks forward to working with the Commissioners to ensure that Americans will have a reliable, resilient and affordable supply of electricity in the years to come.”
What’s Next?
“Under Secretary Perry’s leadership, the Department will continue to be actively engaged in the nationwide conversation on resiliency that was sparked by the Secretary’s proposal. In the days and months to come, DOE plans to work with FERC and all other relevant stakeholders including the RTOs and ISOs as they discuss how best to address the important issue of the long term reliability and affordability of energy in this country.”
On background: DOE is also exploring innovative ways to monitor the long term resiliency of our grid, including a potential nationwide integrated energy model led by the Office of Electricity and DOE National Labs.