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This funding is part of the Seeding Critical Advances for Leading Energy technologies with Untapped Potential (SCALEUP) program.
DOE announced the selection of 12 projects to receive federal funding for the Office of Fossil Energy’s SOFC Program.
NICE Future initiative report examines nuclear flexibility and the potential role it can play in clean energy systems.
The Deputy Secretary participated in the ribbon cutting for the expansion of Argonne National Laboratory’s Materials Engineering Research Facility.
U.S. Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette joins the Export Import (EXIM) Bank’s Annual Conference to deliver remarks and answwer questions.
Export-Import Bank Fireside Chat Virtual Remarks by Secretary Dan Brouillette Friday, September 11, 2020
The funding will support predictive modeling and simulation for physical sciences research and “decision support” in managing complex processes.
U.S. Department of Energy Announces $17 Million for Research at Princeton Laboratory Fusion Facility
The initiative will support experiments, data analysis, and computer modeling and simulation of plasma behavior.
Secretary Brouillette issued an emergency order to preserve the reliability of the bulk electric power system.
Hear from Under Secretary of Science Paul Dabbar about how this pandemic won't stop us from providing world-class STEM education.