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Take a look at the Energy Information Administration's projections for domestic natural gas production and U.S. reliance on imported oil.
Exploring opportunities to leverage federal resources and expertise to help Alaska Native and Native American communities deploy clean energy projects, advance Tribal economic competitiveness and create jobs.
Today Secretary Chu announced $12 million in funding for 22 regional teams competing in the Energy Department’s Rooftop Solar Challenge. The team...
Biomass has the potential to become a critical part of our energy economy. The Billion-Ton Update has the details.
Check out our new and easy to use Tax Credits, Rebates and Savings feature for saving opportunities in your home town, county and state.
Secretary Chu visits Waukesha Electric Systems to see how tax credit benefits will lead to new jobs and advanced electricity transformers.
Many have asked for more information about the potential impact of the fire in New Mexico on the Energy Department's Los Alamos National Laboratory. Read ahead for the latest update from the lab.
Join Dr. Arun Majumdar on June 29th, at 2:00 pm ET for a frank, two-way discussion about the investments the federal government is making in innovative research and technology today that will move us off of foreign oil and toward the clean energy infra...
The Energy Department will be investing up to $120 million over three years in the development of transformational manufacturing technologies and innovative materials that could enable industrial facilities to dramatically increase their energy efficie...