Newsroom - Legacy

Media Inquiries:

Contact the Office of Public Affairs at (202) 586-4940 or [email protected]


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A new academic year is underway, which means a new class of college students is preparing for the 2021 DOE Collegiate Wind Competition.


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Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette addressed the Baker Institute on October 21, 2020.

Press Releases

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U.S. LNG exports have more than quadrupled, putting the United States among the top three LNG exporters in the world.

Press Releases

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U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced its sixth CyberForce Competition™ will take place on November 14, 2020. The event will be held virtually.

Press Releases

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The conference is the premier event for Indigenous STEM professionals and students.

Press Releases

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Furthering the longstanding partnership that has enabled 50 years of notable space exploration.

Press Releases

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The Fiscal Year 2021 Funding Opportunity Announcement has approximately $105 million in available funding.

Press Releases

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This 30 year Agreement, the first of its kind, represents an enduring energy bond between the United States and Poland.


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Three individuals who exemplify the best of DOE's public and private partnership have been awarded 2020 Nobel Prizes and Laureates.

Press Releases

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Deputy Secretary of Energy Menezes and Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Lee promise close collaboration between U.S. and ROK