Secretary Brouillette issued an emergency order to preserve the reliability of the bulk electric power system.
September 6, 2020On the record, attributable to DOE Spokeswoman, Shaylyn Hynes:
“Tonight, pursuant to his authorities under the Federal Power Act, and in response to an urgent request from the State of California, Secretary Brouillette issued a Section 202 (c) emergency order to preserve the reliability of the bulk electric power system during this period of heat and stress on the grid. The Secretary concurs with the California Independent System Operator Corporation (CAISO) that a grid reliability emergency exists which demands immediate federal intervention. While the Secretary has offered this emergency assistance to California in this time of crisis, he also encourages state policymakers to evaluate why the grid is not able to handle extreme stress, which could be alleviated with the support of greater baseload power generation and natural gas supply.”
The 202 (c) Emergency Order will be available HERE.
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