Jay Mullis, Manager, Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management
“Through the hard work of our employees and partners, we recorded another successful year in 2024. OREM completed major field work at the East Tennessee Technology Park, entered a new phase of cleanup at Y-12, and laid the groundwork for the next chapter of transformation at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.”
- Completed soil remediation at East Tennessee Technology Park (ETTP)—an EM 2024 priority.
- Processed 94 canisters of uranium-233 material at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)—exceeding an EM 2024 priority.
- Began demolition on the Alpha-2 complex at the Y-12 National Security Complex—an EM 2024 priority.
- Completed early site preparation for the Environmental Management Disposal Facility.
- Finalized two Records of Decision related to groundwater at ETTP.
- Signed Natural Resource Damage Assessment agreement with the state.
- Transferred the largest source of legacy radioactive material at ORNL for beneficial reuse.
OREM achieved its Vision 2024, the culmination of 20 years of cleanup at the ETTP. This effort—one of the nation’s largest environmental cleanup projects— transformed a former Manhattan Project and Cold War-era uranium enrichment complex into a multi-use industrial park. The cleanup involved tearing down more than 500 buildings and excavating 554,000 cubic yards of impacted soil. With soil remediation complete, OREM is positioned to transfer the remaining parcels of federally owned land at the site to the community for reuse.
OREM employed two partnerships that found alternative uses for nuclear material originally slated for disposal. Employees are extracting rare medical isotopes from uranium-233 prior to processing and disposal, supporting next generation cancer treatment research. TerraPower received enough isotopes from this partnership for commercial scale production to supply clinical trials across the globe. Another partnership with Zeno Power transferred one of the largest sources of legacy radioactive material from storage at ORNL to recycle into a source of clean energy for new power systems for other federal agencies.
Crews began demolition on the Manhattan Projectera Alpha-2 complex, marking the first demolition on a former uranium enrichment facility at the Y-12 National Security Complex. The project removes risks and will open space to support national security missions. Meanwhile, workers are actively preparing 13 buildings for demolition at ORNL. Clearing away these old reactors, isotope labs and waste treatment facilities enhances safety and opens land for research missions.
OREM signed a $42 million agreement as part of the Natural Resources Damage Assessment process for impacts from its historic operations on the Oak Ridge Reservation. The agreement aims to restore or replace natural resources equivalent to what was lost. All funds from agreement will be deposited into an account held by the state of Tennessee to provide grants for a wide range of local projects that either enhance the area’s natural resources or provide nature and recreational opportunities.
Right Photo Caption: Crews perform deactivation activities at 13 ORNL buildings.