Below are the project presentations and respective peer review results for Validation of Innovative Exploration Technologies.
- Effectiveness of Shallow Temperatures Surveys to Target a Geothermal Reservoir at Previously Explored Site at McGee Mountain, Nevada, Richard "Rick" Zehner, Geothermal Technical Partners, Inc.
- Away from the Range Front: Intra-Basin Geothermal Exploration, Glenn Melosh and Max Wilmarth, GeoGlobal Energy
- Crump Geyser: High Precision Geophysics and Detailed Structural Exploration and Slim Well Drilling, John Casteel, Nevada Geothermal Power Co.
- El Paso County Geothermal Project at Fort Bliss, Jon M. Lear, Ruby Mountain Inc.; Marylin Segall, Ph.D. and Greg Nash, Ph.D., Energy and Geoscience Institute at the University of Utah
- A 3D-3C Reflection Seismic Survey and Data Integration to Identify the Seismic Response of Fractures and Permeable Zones Over a Known Geothermal Resource at Soda Lake, Churchill Co., NV, Dick Benoit and James F. Echols, Magma Energy (U.S.) Corp.
- Conducting a 3D Converted Shear Wave Project to Reduce Exploration Risk at Wister, CA, Skip Matlick, Ormat Nevada Inc.
- Application of a New Structural Model and Exploration Technologies to Define a Blind Geothermal System: A Viable Alternative to Grid Drilling for Geothermal Exploration: McCoy, Churchill County, NV, Dick Benoit and James F. Echols, Magma Energy (U.S.) Corp.
- Black Warrior: Sub-soil Gas and Fluid Inclusion Exploration and Slim Well Drilling, John Casteel, Nevada Geothermal Power Co.
- Use Remote Sensing Data to Locate High Temperature Ground Anomalies in Colorado, F. Lee Robinson, Flint Geothermal LLC
- Validation of Innovative Exploration Technologies for Newberry Volcano, Albert F. Waibel, Davenport Newberry
- Validation of Innovative Exploration Technologies at the Colado, Nevada, Geothermal Prospect, Jim Combs, Vulcan Power Company
- Merging High-resolution Geophysical and Geochemical Surveys to Reduce Exploration Risk at Glass Buttes, Oregon, Patrick Walsh, Ormat Nevada Inc.
- Blind Geothermal System Exploration in Active Volcanic Environments; Multi-phase Geophysical and Geochemical Surveys in Overt and Subtle Volcanic Systems, Hawai'i and Maui, Brigette A. Martini, Ormat Nevada Inc.
- Advance Seismic Data Analysis Program: (The "Hot Pot Project"), Shuman Moore and Steve Williams, Oski Energy, LLC
- Application of 2D VSP Imaging Technology to the Targeting of Exploration and Production Wells in a Basin and Range Geothermal System, Richard Ellis, Presco Energy, LLC
- Innovative Exploration Techniques for Geothermal Assessment at Jemez Pueblo, New Mexico, Greg Kaufman, Pueblo of Jemez
- Comprehensive Evaluation of the Geothermal Resource Potential within the Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation, John Jackson, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe; Greg Pohll, Desert Research Institute, University of Nevada
- Finding Large Aperture Fractures in Geothermal Resource Areas Using a Three-Component Long-Offset Surface Seismic Survey, William Teplow, US Geothermal, Inc.
- New River Geothermal Research Program, Imperial County, CA, Stuart Johnson, Ram Power Corporation
- Alum Innovative Exploration Project, Joel Ronne, Sierra Geothermal Power
- Silver Peak Innovative Exploration Project, Joel Ronne, Sierra Geothermal Power
- Pilgrim Hot Springs, Alaska, Gwen Holdmann, Anupma Prakash, and Jo Mongrain, University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Detachment Faulting and Geothermal Resources - Pearl Hot Spring, NV, Daniel Stockli, University of Kansas
- Snake River Geothermal Project - Innovative Approaches to Geothermal Exploration, John W. Shervais, Utah State University