Below are the project presentations and respective peer reviewer comments for High-temperature Tools and Drilling.
GUFI: Geothermal Ultrasonic Fracture Imager
Doug Patterson and Baker Hughes, Oilfield Operations Incorporated
Project Presentation | Peer Reviewer CommentsHigh-Temperature Motor Windings for Downhole Pumps Used in Geothermal Energy Production
Matthew Hooker, Composite Technology Development, Inc.
Project Presentation | Peer Reviewer Comments300°C Capable Electronics Platform and Temperature Sensor System for Enhanced Geothermal Systems
Vinayak Tilak, GE Global Research
Project Presentation | Peer Reviewer CommentsHigh-Temperature ESP Monitoring
Brindesh Dhruva and Jack Booker, Schlumberger
Project Presentation | Peer Reviewer CommentsHotline IV: High Temperature ESP
Brindesh Dhruva and Michael Dowling, Schlumberger
Project Presentation | Peer Reviewer CommentsDevelopment of a HT Seismic Tool
Joseph A. Henfling, Sandia National Laboratories
Project Presentation | Peer Reviewer Comments