2013 Peer Review Meeting Plenary Overview Presentation
2013 Peer Review Opening Plenary Presentation
Geothermal Prospects in Colorado
Fueling Innovation and Adoption by Sharing Data on the DOE Geothermal Data Repository
Tectonic & Structural Controls of Great Basin Geothermal Systems: Developing Successful Exploration Strategies
Air-Cooled Condensers for Next Generation Power Plants
OpenEI and Linked Open Data
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Workshop presentations from the 2013 Peer Review Meeting on April 22-25, 2013 are presented below by track, following the order in the Overview Agenda.
Including Co-Produced, Low-Temperature, Supercritical CO2, Working Fluids, Innovative Exploration Techniques, Geophysics, and Geochemistry
Track 2: Enhanced Geothermal Systems
Including Demonstrations, Fluid Imaging, Characterizing Fractures, Induced Seismicity, High Temperature Tools, Drilling Systems, Materials, Zonal Isolation, and Innovative Methods of Heat Recovery
Track 3: Systems Analysis and Cross-Cutting
Including Data System Development and Population; Tracers; and Modeling
Track 1: Hydrothermal Resource Confirmation
- Electric Power Generation Using Geothermal Fluid Coproduced from Oil and/or Gas Wells, by Bernie Karl, Chena Hot Springs Resort
- Electric Power Generation from Co-Produced and Other Oil Field Fluids, by William D. Gosnold, University of North Dakota
- Hybrid Geothermal-Solar, by Greg Mines, Idaho National Laboratory
- Novel Energy Conversion Equipment for Low Temperature Geothermal Resources, by Frank Baumgardt, Johnson Controls Inc.
- The Canby Cascaded Geothermal Development Project, by Dale Merrick, Modoc Contracting Co.
- A Revolutionary Hybrid Thermodynamic Cycle for Binary Geothermal Power Plants, by Adrian Sabau, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Osmotic Heat Engine for Energy Production from Low Temperature Geothermal Resources, by Nathan Hancock, Oasys Water
- Kalex Advanced Low Temperature Geothermal Power Cycle, by Cheryl Sandifer and Michael Mugerwa, Technip USA
- Fairbanks Geothermal Energy Project, by Denise Brand and Bernie Karl, Chena Hot Springs Resort
- Single-Well Low Temperature CO2-Based Engineered Geothermal System, by Alan D. Eastman and Mark Muir, GreenFire Energy
- Experiment-Based Model for the Chemical Interactions between Geothermal Rocks, Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and Water, by Miroslav Petro, PARC (Palo Alto Research Center)
- An Integrated Experimental and Numerical Study: Developing a Reaction Transport Model that Couples Chemical Reactions of Mineral Dissolution/Precipitation with Spatial and Temporal Flow Variations in CO2/Brine/Rock Systems, by Martin Saar, University of Minnesota
- Advanced Heat/Mass Exchanger Technology for Geothermal and Solar Renewable Energy Systems (NV), by Paul Laca, University of Nevada, Reno (UNR)
- El Paso County Geothermal Electric Generation Project: Innovative Research Technologies Applied to the Geothermal Resource Potential at Ft. Bliss, by Ben Barker, El Paso County
- Validation of Innovative Exploration Technologies for Newberry Volcano, by Albert F. Waibel, Davenport Power, LLC
- Direct Confirmation of Commercial Geothermal Resources in Colorado using Remote Sensing and On-Site Exploration, Testing and Analysis, by F. Robinson, Flint Geothermal LLC
- Merging High Resolution Geophysical and Geochemical Surveys to Reduce Exploration Risk at Glass Buttes, Oregon; Blind Geothermal System Exploration in Active Volcanic Environments; Multi-phase Geophysical and Geochemical Surveys in Overt and Subtle Volcanic Systems, Hawai'i and Maui; Conducting a 3D Converted Shear Wave Project to reduce exploration risk at Wister, CA, by Patrick Walsh, Ormat Technologies Inc.
- Advanced Seismic Data Analysis Program (The "Hot Pot Project"), by Frank Misseldine and Mike Lane, Oski Energy, LLC
- Recovery Act: Detachment faulting and Geothermal Resources – An Innovative Integrated Geological and Geophysical Investigation of Pearl Hot Spring, Nevada, by Daniel Stockli, University of Texas at Austin
- Innovative Exploration Techniques for Geothermal Assessment at Jemez Pueblo, New Mexico, by Greg Kaufman, Pueblo of Jemez
- Comprehensive Evaluation of the Geothermal Resource Potential within the Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation, by Donna Noel, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
- Finding Large Aperture Fractures in Geothermal Resource Areas Using a Three-Component Long-Offset Surface Seismic Survey, by William Teplow, US Geothermal Inc.
- Integration of Full Tensor Gravity and ZTEM Passive Low Frequency EM Instruments for Simultaneous Data Acquisition, by Scott Wieberg, Bell Geospace Inc.
- Time-lapse Joint Inversion of Geophysical Data and its Application to Geothermal Prospecting - GEODE, by Andre Revil and Mike Batzle, Colorado School of Mines, and Ezra Zemach, ORMAT
- Stochastic Joint Inversion for Integrated Data Interpretation in Geothermal Exploration, by Robert Mellors, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Novel use of 4D Monitoring Techniques to Improve Reservoir Longevity and Productivity in Enhanced Geothermal Systems, by Kelly Rose and Adam Schultz, National Energy Technology Laboratory
- Monitoring EGS Stimulation and Reservoir Dynamics with InSAR and MEQ, by Nicholas Davatzes, Temple University
- Spectral SP: A New Approach to Mapping Reservoir Flow and Permeability, by Donald Thomas, University of Hawaii
- Great Basin Center for Geothermal Energy, by Wendy Calvin, University of Nevada, Reno
- Development of a low cost method to estimate the seismic signature of a geothermal field from ambient seismic noise analysis, by Ileana Tibuleac, University of Nevada, Reno
- Integrating Magnetotellurics, Soil Gas Geochemistry and Structural Analysis to Identify Hidden, High-Enthalpy,Extensional Geothermal Systems, by Phillip Wannamaker, University of Utah
- Hydrogeochemical Indicators for Great Basin Geothermal Resources, by Stuart Simmons, Colorado School of Mines
- Novel Coupled Thermochronometric and Geochemical Investigation of Blind Geothermal Resources in Fault- Controlled Dilational Corners, by Daniel Stockli, University of Texas at Austin
- Improved Geothermometry Through Multivariate Reaction Path Modeling and Evaluation of Geomicrobiological Influences on Geochemical Temperature Indicators, by Craig Cooper, Idaho National Laboratory
- The Viability of Sustainable, Self-Propping Shear Zones in Enhanced Geothermal Systems: Measurement of Reaction Rates at Elevated Temperatures, by Susan Carroll, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Effects of Volcanism, Crustal Thickness, and Large Scale Faulting on the Development and Evolution of Geothermal Systems: Collaborative Project in Chile, by Pat Dobson, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Methodologies for Reservoir Characterization Using Fluid Inclusion Gas Chemistry, by Lorie Dilley, Hattenburg, Dilley, and Linnell, LLC
- Optimizing parameters for predicting the geochemical behavior and performance of discrete fracture networks in geothermal systems, by Alexandra Hakala, National Energy Technology Laboratory
Track 2: Enhanced Geothermal Systems
- Newberry Volcano EGS Demonstration, by Susan Petty, AltaRock Energy Inc.
- Demonstration of an Enhanced Geothermal System at the Northwest Geysers Geothermal Field, by Mark Walters, Geysers Power Co., LLC
- Brady's EGS Project, by Kyle Snyder and Ezra Zemach, Ormat Nevada Inc.
- Concept Testing and Development at the Raft River Geothermal Field, Idaho, by Joseph Moore and J. McLennan, University of Utah
- Desert Peak East EGS Project, by Ethan Chabora, GeothermEx, and Ezra Zemach, Ormat Nevada Inc.
- Use of Geophysical Techniques to Characterize Fluid Flow in a Geothermal Reservoir, by Michael Batzle, Colorado School of Mines
- Advanced 3D Geophysical Imaging Technologies for Geothermal Resource Characterization, by Greg Newman and Michael Fehler, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Imaging, Characterizing, and Modeling of Fracture Networks and Fluid Flow in EGS Reservoirs; Full Waveform Inversion of 3D-9C VSP Data from Brady's EGS Site and Update of the Brady Reservoir Scale Model, by Lianjie Huang, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Monitoring and Modeling Fluid Flow in a Developing EGS Reservoir, by Michael Fehler, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Ultra High Resolution Cold Neutron Imaging of Fluid Flow and Fracture in EGS Environments; Improved Cold Neutron Imaging for EGS Studies, by Yarom Polsky, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Fracture Network and Fluid Flow Imaging for EGS Applications from Multi-Dimensional Electrical Resistivity Structure, by Phillip Wannamaker, University of Utah
- Sustainability of Shear-Induced Permeability for EGS Reservoirs – A Laboratory Study, by Tim Kneafsey, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Characterizing Fractures in Geysers Geothermal Field by Microseismic Data, Using Soft Computing, Fractals, and Shear Wave Anisotropy, by Fred Aminzadeh, University of Southern California
- Towards the Understanding of Induced Seismicity in Enhanced Geothermal Systems, by Doug Dreger, UC Berkeley
- Development of a Geological and Geomechanical Framework for the Analysis of MEQ in EGS Experiments (Geysers), by Ahmad Ghassemi, University of Oklahoma
- Rotation-Enabled 7-DOF Seismometer for Geothermal Resource Development, by Darren Laughlin, A-Tech Corp.
- Complete Fiber/Copper Cable Solution for Long-Term Temperature and Pressure Measurement in Supercritical Reservoirs and EGS Wells, by Mark Lowell, Draka Cableteq USA
- Extreme Temperature Energy Storage and Generation, for Cost and Risk Reduction in Geothermal Exploration, by Riccardo Signorelli, FastCAP Systems Inc.
- Perforating System for Geothermal Applications, by Moises Smart, Schlumberger Technology Corp.
- High-Temperature-High-Volume Lifting For Enhanced Geothermal Systems, by Norman Turnquist, GE Global Research
- Well Monitoring Systems for EGS, by Randy Normann, Perma Works LLC
- Energetic Materials for EGS Well Stimulation, by Mark Grubelich, Sandia National Laboratories
- Microhole Arrays Drilled With Advanced Abrasive Slurry Jet Technology To Efficiently Exploit Enhanced Geothermal Systems, by Ken Oglesby, Impact Technologies, LLC
- Technology Development and Field Trials of EGS Drilling Systems, by Steve Knudsen, Sandia National Laboratories
- Deep Geothermal Drilling using Millimeter Wave Technology, by Ken Oglesby, Impact Technologies, LLC
- Evaluation of Emerging Technology for Geothermal Drilling and Logging Applications, by Doug Blankenship, Sandia National Laboratories
- Directional Measurement-While-Drilling System for Geothermal Applications; High Temperature 300°C Directional Drilling System, by Jochen Schnitger, Baker Hughes Oilfield Operations Inc.
- Auto-Indexer for Percussive Hammers, by Jiann Su, Sandia National Laboratories
- Self-Degradable Temporary Cementitious Sealers, by Toshi Sugama, Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Development of an Improved Cement for Geothermal Wells, by George Trabits, Trabits Group, LLC
- Materials Corrosive Resistant Foam Well-Costing Cement Composites, by Toshi Sugama, Brookhaven National Laboratory
- High Temperature, High Pressure Devices for Zonal Isolation in Geothermal Wells, by Paul Fabian, Composite Technology Development Inc.
- Isolation Self Consuming Downhole Packer, by Mark Grubelich, Sandia National Laboratories
- IMHR Geothermal Resource Development with Zero Mass Withdrawal, Engineered Convection, and Wellbore Energy Conversion, by Christopher White, LA State University
Track 3: Systems Analysis and Cross-Cutting
- Decision Analysis for Enhanced Geothermal Systems, by Herbert H. Einstein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Analysis of Low-Temperature Utilization of Geothermal Resources, by Brian Anderson, West Virginia University
- Hybrid and Advanced Air Cooling, by Desikan Bharathan, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Estimation and Analysis of Life Cycle Costs of Baseline Enhanced Geothermal Systems, by Uday Turaga, Adi Analytics, LLC
- GETEM Development , by Greg Mines, Idaho National Laboratory
- Geothermal Regulatory Roadmap, by Kate Young, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- National Geothermal Data System Design and Testing, by Harold Blackman, Boise State University
- AASG State Geological Survey Contributions to NGDS, by Lee Allison, Arizona Geological Survey
- Heat Flow Database Expansion for NGDS Data Development, Collection and Maintenance, by David D. Blackwell, Southern Methodist University
- National Geothermal Resource Assessment and Classification, by Colin Williams, U.S. Geological Survey
- Quantum Dot Tracers for Use in Engineered Geothermal Systems, by Peter Rose, University of Utah
- Novel Multidimensional Tracers for Geothermal Inter-Well Diagnostics, by Yongchun Tang and John Ma, Power Environmental Energy Research Institute
- Fracture Evolution following Hydraulic Stimulation within an EGS Reservoir, by Peter Rose, University of Utah
- Reservoir-Stimulation Optimization with Operational Monitoring for Creation of Enhanced Geothermal Systems, by Carlos Fernandez, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Stimulation at Desert Peak and Brady's reservoirs: modeling with the coupled THM code FEHM, by Sharad Kelkar, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Coupled Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical-Chemical Model and Experiments for Optimization of Enhanced Geothermal System Development and Production; Evaluation of Stimulation at the Newberry Volcano EGS Demonstration Site through Natural Isotopic Reactive Tracers and Geochemical Investigation, by Eric Sonnenthal, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- PNNL Support of the DOE GTO Model Comparison Activity, by Timothy Scheibe, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Integration of Nontraditional Isotopic Systems Into Reaction-Transport Models of EGS for Exploration, Evaluation of Water-Rock Interaction, and Impacts of Water Chemistry on Reservoir Sustainability, by Eric Sonnenthal, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- THMC Modeling of EGS Reservoirs – Continuum through Discontinuum Representations: Capturing Reservoir Stimulation, Evolution and Induced Seismicity, by Derek Elsworth, Pennsylvania State University
- Analysis of Geothermal Reservoir Stimulation using Geomechanics-Based Stochastic Analysis of Injection-Induced Seismicity, by Ahmad Ghassemi, University of Oklahoma
- Development of Advanced Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical- Chemical (THMC) Modeling Capabilities for Enhanced Geothermal Systems, by Yu-Shu Wu, Colorado School of Mines
- Three-dimensional Modeling of Fracture Clusters in Geothermal Reservoirs, by Ahmad Ghassemi, University of Oklahoma
- Integration of Noise and Coda Correlation Data into Kinematic and Waveform Inversions, by Daniel O'Connell, Fugro Consultants
- FRAC-STIM: A Physics-Based Fracture Stimulation, Reservoir Flow and Heat Transport Simulator (aka FALCON), by Robert Podgorney, Idaho National Laboratory
- Innovative Computational Tools for Reducing Exploration Risk Through Integration of Water-Rock Interactions and Magnetotelluric Surveys, by Joseph Moore, University of Utah