This page features the organization and biographies of senior management in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE).
Executive Leadership
Assistant Secretary
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
Alejandro Moreno
Associate Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
Alejandro Moreno provides strategic advice to the principal deputy assistant secretary on strategic planning, execution, and oversight of the EERE portfolio.
Chief of Staff
Nick Montoni
Deputy Chief of Staff
Nick Montoni supports the assistant secretary in advancing the office mission by enabling a high-performing, results-driven culture through effective management approaches and processes.
Michael Berube
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Sustainable Transportation & Fuels
Michael Berube oversees EERE’s sustainable transportation and fuels sector. This portfolio focuses on research and development to increase access to domestic, clean transportation fuels and improve the energy efficiency, convenience, and affordability of transporting people and goods.
Sydney Lienemann
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Renewable Energy
Sydney Lienemann directs EERE's renewable energy applied research, development, and demonstration activities for the geothermal, solar energy, and wind and water power technologies offices.
Carolyn Snyder
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Buildings & Industry
Carolyn Snyder leads a diverse buildings and industry program and R&D portfolio, including advanced manufacturing and building technologies.
Christy Cooper
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations
Christy Cooper directs EERE's business operations, including business services management, budget, IT, knowledge management services, and workforce management.
Office of the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
Sue Hamm
Integrated Strategies Director
Sue Hamm oversees EERE's Integrated Strategies portfolio.
External Affairs Director
The external affairs director oversees EERE's Office of External Affairs, which includes communications, stakeholder engagement, and legislative affairs.
Technology Sector Leaders
Buildings & Industry
Christopher Saldaña
Advanced Materials & Manufacturing Technologies Office Director
Christopher Saldaña leads the Advanced Materials & Manufacturing Technologies Office to advance energy-related materials and manufacturing technologies to increase domestic competitiveness and build a clean, decarbonized economy.
Michael Furze
Building Technologies Office Director
Hayes Jones leads the Building Technologies Office in creating a self-sustaining market for building energy efficiency. This includes advancing technologies, promoting highly efficient buildings and homes, and accelerating the adoption of building codes and equipment standards.
Avi Shultz
Industrial Efficiency & Decarbonization Office Director
Avi Shultz leads the Industrial Efficiency & Decarbonization Office to spearhead the development and accelerate the adoption of sustainable technologies that increase efficiency and eliminate industrial greenhouse gas emissions.
Renewable Energy
Lauren Boyd
Geothermal Technologies Office Director
Lauren Boyd leads the Geothermal Technologies Office's overall strategic, technical, and project oversight of cutting-edge technologies designed to advance geothermal as a key contributor to the U.S. energy portfolio. She partners with industry, academia, and DOE's national laboratories to establish geothermal energy as an economically competitive and widely available component of the U.S. energy supply.
Becca Jones-Albertus
Solar Energy Technologies Office Director
Becca Jones-Albertus leads a team that supports early-stage research and development in the technology areas of photovoltaics, concentrating solar-thermal power, and systems integration with the goal of improving the affordability, reliability, and performance of solar technologies on the grid.
Eric Lantz
Wind Energy Technologies Office Director
Eric Lantz leads the Wind Energy Technologies Office to improve performance, lower costs, and accelerate deployment of wind technologies.
Matthew Grosso
Water Power Technologies Office Director
Matthew Grosso manages efforts to improve performance, lower costs, and accelerate the deployment of water power technologies.
Sustainable Transportation & Fuels
Valerie Reed
Bioenergy Technologies Office Director
Valerie Reed leads the Bioenergy Technologies Office's overall strategic, technical, and project oversight of efforts to improve performance, lower costs, and accelerate market entry of advanced biofuels and bioproducts, which can help reduce America's imports of oil while enabling a new industry with an improved environmental impact.
Sunita Satyapal
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office Director
Sunita Satyapal leads the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office's overall strategy and execution, including oversight and coordination of research, development, demonstration, and deployment activities related to hydrogen and fuel cells, and coordinates hydrogen activities across DOE.
Austin Brown
Vehicle Technologies Office Director
Austin Brown leads initiatives and programs that help reduce America's dependence on foreign oil and secure a clean energy future. The Vehicle Technologies Office supports research for hybrid drivetrains, advanced batteries, lightweight materials, advanced combustion and fuels, vehicle systems integration, and Clean Cities deployment activities.
Gabe Klein
Joint Office of Energy and Transportation Director
Gabe Klein leads the Office of Energy and Transportation's development of federal guidance and technical assistance for states and localities for strategically deploying electric charging infrastructure needed for zero-emission vehicles across the United States.
Marlys Kinsey
Golden Field Office Director (Acting)
As Golden Field Office director for EERE, Marlys Kinsey oversees the critical operations and support functions in Golden, Colorado, that are key to fulfilling EERE’s clean energy mission.
Maria Sutton
Office of Business Services Management Director
Maria Sutton oversees EERE's workforce management, knowledge management and systems, and IT services offices, as well as cross-cutting business administration activities.
Modeque Hunter
Budget Office Director (Acting)
Modeque serves as EERE's Budget Office acting director, leading EERE's budget planning, formulation, justification, and execution.