Newsroom - Legacy

Media Inquiries:

Contact the Office of Public Affairs at (202) 586-4940 or [email protected]

Press Releases

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NYSERDA selected to partner with DOE as administrator of offshore wind R&D consortium.

Press Releases

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Utah’s proposed research site selected as a first-of-its-kind geothermal field laboratory.

Press Releases

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Organizations will deliver DOE's Build4Scale training to energy hardware innovators and help them forge partnerships with domestic manufacturers.

Press Releases

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Goal is to identify priority research and development areas to reduce the regulatory barriers affecting the implementation of hydrogen technologies.

Press Releases

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40-year review stresses importance of discovery science.


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Partnership with NCI aims to develop next-generation supercomputing technology and accelerate cancer research to enable precision medicine.

Press Releases

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Summit will have a peak performance of 200,000 trillion calculations per second—or 200 petaflops.

Press Releases

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Entrepreneurial individuals and teams will compete through a series of three successive prize contests designed to develop American-made products.

Press Releases

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ARPA-E provides up to $24 million for technologies to enable lower cost, safer advanced nuclear plant designs.


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Dr. William (Jim) Vosburg has served as director of ORISE since 2016. How did they produce more than 70,000 research participation alumni? Find out.