Newsroom - Legacy

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Contact the Office of Public Affairs at (202) 586-4940 or [email protected]

Press Releases

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Selected research projects are focused on developing electric vehicle systems that can recharge rapidly at high power levels.


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Director of Ames National Laboratory Dr. Adam Schwartz shares highlights of the STEM outreach programs at his Lab and Iowa State students involved.

Press Releases

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Funding will help support Administration’s goal to drive U.S. leadership in energy-saving building technologies.

Press Releases

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The U.S. Department of Energy has selected 13 projects to receive about $60 million in funding for cost-shared R&D for advanced nuclear technologies.

Press Releases

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The signing ushers in a new era of DOE-CEA research and development (R&D) cooperation with enhanced collaboration.

Press Releases

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Energy Department issues preliminary Notice of Violation to Bechtel National Inc. for violations of worker safety and health requirements.

Press Releases

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New projects to support accelerating the research and development of innovative geothermal energy technologies in America.


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Director Hawryluk of Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory unveils the moment that captured him to pursue a career in STEM.

Press Releases

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Innovations are critical to address solar photovoltaic reliability challenges and driving down costs.

Press Releases

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Funding will address key early-stage technical challenges for fuel cells and for hydrogen fuel production, delivery, and storage.