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Selected research projects are focused on developing electric vehicle systems that can recharge rapidly at high power levels.
Director of Ames National Laboratory Dr. Adam Schwartz shares highlights of the STEM outreach programs at his Lab and Iowa State students involved.
Funding will help support Administration’s goal to drive U.S. leadership in energy-saving building technologies.
The U.S. Department of Energy has selected 13 projects to receive about $60 million in funding for cost-shared R&D for advanced nuclear technologies.
The signing ushers in a new era of DOE-CEA research and development (R&D) cooperation with enhanced collaboration.
Energy Department issues preliminary Notice of Violation to Bechtel National Inc. for violations of worker safety and health requirements.
New projects to support accelerating the research and development of innovative geothermal energy technologies in America.
Director Hawryluk of Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory unveils the moment that captured him to pursue a career in STEM.
Innovations are critical to address solar photovoltaic reliability challenges and driving down costs.
Funding will address key early-stage technical challenges for fuel cells and for hydrogen fuel production, delivery, and storage.