Newsroom - Legacy

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Contact the Office of Public Affairs at (202) 586-4940 or [email protected]


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How does STEM move products from scientific discovery to impact? Hear the answer from Paul Kearns, Director of Argonne National Laboratory.

Press Releases

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New projects will focus on innovative R&D for sensors and controls, modeling and simulation, high-performance materials, water management, and more.

Press Releases

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Winning technology is a novel solar cell architecture that increases solar panel efficiency by 5%, which will subsequently lower manufacturing costs.

Press Releases

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The Short Baseline Neutrino program, started in 2015, comprises the development, installation, and operation of three neutrino detectors.

Press Releases

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Centers to keep America on the cutting edge of energy innovation.

Press Releases

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Secretary Perry started day four of the 2018 World Gas Conference with a live CNBC Squawk Box interview.

Press Releases

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Yesterday Secretary of Energy Rick Perry kicked off the World Gas Conference official events with a Keynote Address.

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Primer highlights the resource potential of NGLs, with a focus on the Appalachian region.


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Remarks by Secretary Perry at the World Gas Conference in Washington, as prepared for delivery.

Press Releases

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Agreement provides for the exchange of defense information relevant to nuclear weapons, naval nuclear propulsion, and nuclear threat reduction.