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How does STEM move products from scientific discovery to impact? Hear the answer from Paul Kearns, Director of Argonne National Laboratory.
New projects will focus on innovative R&D for sensors and controls, modeling and simulation, high-performance materials, water management, and more.
Winning technology is a novel solar cell architecture that increases solar panel efficiency by 5%, which will subsequently lower manufacturing costs.
The Short Baseline Neutrino program, started in 2015, comprises the development, installation, and operation of three neutrino detectors.
Centers to keep America on the cutting edge of energy innovation.
Secretary Perry started day four of the 2018 World Gas Conference with a live CNBC Squawk Box interview.
Yesterday Secretary of Energy Rick Perry kicked off the World Gas Conference official events with a Keynote Address.
Primer highlights the resource potential of NGLs, with a focus on the Appalachian region.
Remarks by Secretary Perry at the World Gas Conference in Washington, as prepared for delivery.
Agreement provides for the exchange of defense information relevant to nuclear weapons, naval nuclear propulsion, and nuclear threat reduction.