Categorical Exclusion Determinations: Texas

Georgia Institute of Technology- Electric Power Generation by a Vertical-Axis Turbine Driven by an Anchored Vortex and Sustained by the Air Layer over Solar-Heated Ground CX(s) Applied: B3.6, B5.15 Date: 03/11/2013 Location(s): Georgia, Texas, Illinoi...
Development of Methods to Prohibit and Remediate Loss of Annular Isolation in Shale Gas Wells CX(s) Applied: A9 Date: 01/29/2013 Location(s): Texas Offices(s): National Energy Technology Laboratory
Development of Methods to Prohibit and Remediate Loss of Annular Isolation in Shale Gas Wells CX(s) Applied: A9 Date: 01/29/2013 Location(s): Texas Offices(s): National Energy Technology Laboratory
Development of Methods to Prohibit and Remediate Loss of Annular Isolation in Shale Gas Wells CX(s) Applied: A9, A11, B3.6 Date: 01/29/2013 Location(s): Texas Offices(s): National Energy Technology Laboratory
Induced Seismicity/Fluid Injection: Development of Strategies to Manage Fluid Disposal in Shale Plays CX(s) Applied: A9, A11 Date: 01/22/2013 Location(s): Texas Offices(s): National Energy Technology Laboratory
Strategic Petroleum Reserve Site Subsidence Surveys, 2013-2017 CX(s) Applied: B3.1 Date: 01/02/2013 Location(s): Louisiana, Texas, Texas, Louisiana Offices(s): Strategic Petroleum Reserve Field Office