The scope of this Categorical Exclusion Determination under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) is limited to the Department of Energy determination of excess real property, coordination with the General Services Administration and other agencies and stakeholders, and other administrative activities to support the excess real property process.
The City of Oak Ridge (City) proposes to install an 8-inch sanitary sewer line along Scarboro and Pumphouse Roads, beginning at the lower end of the area. The City has requested that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Oak Ridge Office allow the excess spoils from this project be placed in an existing DOE spoils area.
CX-010708: Office of Secure Transportation Vehicle Maintenance Facility Improvements (CX-ORR-13-005)
Office of Secure Transportation Vehicle Maintenance Facility Improvements CX(s) Applied: B2.1, B2.2, B2.5, B4.6 Date: 05/29/2013 Location(s): Tennessee Offices(s): Oak Ridge Office