CX-010099: Transfer of Parcel ED-14 to CROET (CX-ORR-13-004)

Transfer of Parcel ED-14 to CROET CX(s) Applied: B1.24 Date: 03/21/2013 Location(s): Tennessee Offices(s): Oak Ridge Office

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

March 21, 2013
minute read time

Transfer of Parcel ED-14 to CROET
CX(s) Applied: B1.24
Date: 03/21/2013
Location(s): Tennessee
Offices(s): Oak Ridge Office

DOE Oak Ridge Office (ORO) proposes to transfer an approximately 2-acre tract of land (Parcel ED-14) to the Community Reuse Organization of East Tennessee (CROET). DOE currently leases this property to CROET under an existing roads and grounds lease, and a cell tower is located on the property. The property is located adjacent to two water storage tanks (K-1529 and K-1530) that were part of the 2008 East Tennessee Technology Park (ETTP) water plant transfer to the City of Oak Ridge.

CX-010099.pdf (32.37 KB)