Categorical Exclusion Determinations: Environmental Management

Making Nepheline (NaAlSiO4), Phase Pure StandardsCX(s) Applied: B3.6Date: 09/23/2010Location(s): Aiken, South CarolinaOffice(s): Environmental Management, Savannah River Operations Office
Limited Prescribed Burning on the Hanford Site During Calendar Year 2010CX(s) Applied: B1.3Date: 09/23/2010Location(s): Richland, WashingtonOffice(s): Environmental Management, Office of River Protection-Richland Office
Reconfiguration of Facilities to Support the Integrated Facilities Disposition Project (3572X)CX(s) Applied: B1.15, B2.3Date: 09/17/2010Location(s): TennesseeOffice(s): Environmental Management, Oak Ridge Office
Tank 15 Riser Demolition and Removal and Chromate Restoration ScopeCX(s) Applied: B1.3Date: 09/15/2010Location(s): Aiken, South CarolinaOffice(s): Environmental Management, Savannah River Operations Office
272-AW Building Renovation Project Conducted Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment ActCX(s) Applied: B1.3, B1.15, B1.22, B2.1Date: 08/16/2010Location(s): Richland, WashingtonOffice(s): Environmental Management, Office of River Protection-Richlan...
Sidewall Coring of Single-Shell Tank 241-A-106CX(s) Applied: A9, B3.1, B3.11Date: 08/16/2010Location(s): Richland, WashingtonOffice(s): Environmental Management, Office of River Protection-Richland Office
2715-WA Carpenters' Shop RefurbishmentCX(s) Applied: A9, B1.3, B1.15, B2.1Date: 08/03/2010Location(s): Richland, WashingtonOffice(s): Environmental Management, Office of River Protection-Richland Office
Storage of Transuranic Waste and Transuranic Mixed Waste in Building 7860A at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TennesseeCX(s) Applied: B6.10Date: 06/29/2010Location(s): TennesseeOffice(s): Environmental Management, Oak Ridge Office