Categorical Exclusion Determinations: B3.1

Installation of Sentinel Wells MSB-113-A, -B, and -C for the A-2 Air Stripper System CX(s) Applied: B3.1Date: 01/20/2015 Location(s): South CarolinaOffices(s): Savannah River Operations Office
Borehole-Deployed Electric Field Sources and Sensors for Permanent Monitoring of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration CX(s) Applied: B3.1, B3.6Date: 41905 Location(s): IllinoisOffices(s): Chicago Office
NREL – Bangladesh Wind Resources Assessment Project: NREL Tracking No. 14-020 Award Number: DE-AC36-08GO28308 CX(s) Applied: A9, B3.1 Date: 09/11/2014 Location(s): Colorado Office(s): Golden Field Office