Categorical Exclusion Determinations: B3.1

Characterization of the Coal Pile Runoff Basin 788-3A, Ash Pile 788-A, Outfalls A-013 and A-024CX(s) Applied: B3.1Date: 08/18/2009Location(s): Aiken, South CarolinaOffice(s): Environmental Management, Savannah River Operations Office
Cone Penetration Test sampling at ECODS (Early Construction and Operational Disposal Sites) B3 and B5CX(s) Applied: B3.1Date: 08/11/2009Location(s): Aiken, South CarolinaOffice(s): Environmental Management, Savannah River Operations Office
Heavy Water Component Test Reactor (HWCTR) Well InstallationCX(s) Applied: B3.1Date: 08/05/2009Location(s): Aiken, South CarolinaOffice(s): Environmental Management, Savannah River Operations Office
Groundwater Monitoring Well Installation at Heavy Water Component Test ReactorCX(s) Applied: B3.1Date: 06/25/2009Location(s): Aiken, South CarolinaOffice(s): Environmental Management, Savannah River Operations Office
M-Area Chemical Oxidation (MACO) - Installation of Southern Sector Coreholes and Monitoring WellsDate: 06/15/2009Location(s): Aiken, South CarolinaOffice(s): Environmental Management, Savannah River Operations Office
C-Area Tritium Anomaly (CPT) Cone Penetrometer TechnologyCX(s) Applied: B3.1Date: 06/04/2009Location(s): Aiken, South CarolinaOffice(s): Environmental Management, Savannah River Operations Office