Department of Energy's Bonneville Power Administration prepared a Draft Environmental Assessment for the Select Area Fisheries Enhancement (SAFE) Program (DOE/EA-2277).
Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance
September 25, 2024Select Area Fisheries Enhancement (SAFE) Program
Bonneville prepared this draft Environmental Assessment to evaluate proposals from three fishery co-managers (WDFW, ODFW, and CCF) to fund the final stage—and thereby attain full implementation—of three Select Area Hatchery programs (namely, the Oregon SAFE Spring Chinook Program, the Oregon SAFE Coho Salmon Program, and the Deep River SAFE Coho Program) managed by separate entities with funding from multiple sources. Together, these programs (SAFE Program) contribute spring Chinook and coho salmon produced (i.e., collected and reared) at various hatchery facilities in the Lower Columbia River and its tributaries and acclimated and released from SAFE hatchery and net pen sites (SAFE Facilities) in off-channel areas (Select Areas) in the Lower Columbia River estuary (LCRE). Eventually, these fish return to these Select Areas for commercial and recreational harvest (Select Area Fisheries).
For more information, see Select Area Fisheries Enhancement (SAFE) Program.