DOE/EA-2091: Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact

Final EA and FONSI for a proposal to rebuild the 21-mile-long, 115-kilovolt Holcomb-Naselle transmission line.

Office of NEPA Policy and Compliance

March 16, 2020
minute read time

Holcomb-Naselle Transmission Line Rebuild Project; Pacific County, Washington

The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) has prepared the final environmental assessment (EA) for the Holcomb-Naselle Transmission Line Rebuild Project. BPA prepared an abbreviated final EA because there have been no substantial changes to the proposed action, alternative, or environmental analysis presented in the draft EA. The abbreviated final EA provides changes made to the text of the draft EA, as well as comments received on the draft EA and BPA’s responses to those comments. The final EA should be used as a companion document to the draft EA, which contains the full text describing the project, its potential environmental impacts, and mitigation measures to reduce impacts. Based on the final EA, BPA issued a finding of no significant impact (FONSI) and made a decision to proceed with the project.

BPA will rebuild the 21-mile-long Holcomb-Naselle 115-kilovolt (kV) transmission line located in Pacific and Wahkiakum counties, Washington. The project will allow BPA to operate the transmission line at full capacity during times of high electrical load ensuring power delivery to BPA’s customers in the Pacific County area of Washington.

For more information, see Holcomb-Naselle Transmission Line Rebuild Project.