Summary: Final Uranium Leasing Program Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement DOE/EIS-0472, March 2014 (2.1 MB, 102 pages)
For your convenience, the Final ULP PEIS is available for download by volume (3 larger files), or by chapter (20 smaller files).
Download by Volume
Final Uranium Leasing Program Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement: DOE/EIS-0472, March 2014
Volume 1: Chapters 1 through 4 (18.7 MB, 782 pages)
Volume 2: Chapter 5 through Appendix H (22.7 MB, 578 pages)
Volume 3: Appendix I: Comment Response Document (43.3 MB, 636 pages)
Download by Chapter
Final Uranium Leasing Program Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement: Volume 1, DOE/EIS-0472, March 2014
Volume 1 Front Matter: Cover Sheet, Contents, Notation, English/Metric Equivalents (1.3 MB, 46 pages)
Chapter 1: Introduction (1.1 MB, 66 pages)
Chapter 2: Proposed Action and Alternatives (1.6 MB, 74 pages)
Chapter 3: Affected Environment (10.7 MB, 258 pages)
Chapter 4: Environmental Impacts (4.3 MB, 338 pages)
Final Uranium Leasing Program Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement: Volume 2, DOE/EIS-0472, March 2014
Volume 2 Front Matter: Contents, Notation, English/Metric Equivalents (1.3 MB, 44 pages)
Chapter 5: Applicable Laws and Requirements (202 KB, 12 pages)
Chapter 6: Consultation Process for the DOE ULP PEIS (198 KB, 12 pages)
Chapter 7: Index (172 KB, 10 pages)
Chapter 8: References (297 KB, 44 pages)
Appendix A: Examples of Existing Leases for the Uranium Leasing Program (294 KB, 54 pages)
Appendix B: Summary of the Public Scoping Process for the ULP PEIS (198 KB, 12 pages)
Appendix C: Emission Inventories, Costs, and Other Estimates Used as a Basis for the ULP PEIS Impact Analyses (239 KB, 28 pages)
Appendix D: Impact Assessment Methodologies (368 KB, 46 pages)
Appendix E: Correspondence Associated with Endangered Species Act (ESA) Consultation, Biological Opinion, and Biological Assessment (9.7 MB, 116 pages)
Appendix F: Correspondence Associated with Tribal and National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) Consultation (11.1 MB, 190 pages)
Appendix G: List of Preparers (173 KB, 6 pages)
Appendix H: Contractor Disclosure Statement (181 KB, 4 pages)
Final Uranium Leasing Program Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement: Volume 3, DOE/EIS-0472, March 2014
Volume 3 Front Matter: Title Page, Contents, Tables (1.2 MB, 6 pages)
Appendix I: Comment Response Document (41.3 MB, 630 pages)
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