The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) has collected data on more than 2,100 UESC projects dating back to 1992 to help demonstrate the value, importance, and impact of the utility energy service contract (UESC) program, but it has kept individual details of the information agencies provided confidential. Since 2010, FEMP has been sharing aggregated facility-level data for covered facilities through the EISA Federal Covered Facility Management and Benchmarking Data page in accordance with statutory reporting requirements.
FEMP collects UESC project data using the CTS Project Template, which makes it easy for agencies to upload their data into the EISA 432 Compliance Tracking System.
To submit UESC project data to FEMP, download the CTS Project Template, and send it to Andrew Grejda. For questions about how to complete the template, submit an inquiry to FEMP Assistance Request Portal.
If you are a utility interested in offering UESCs to your federal customers, there are many ways to get started. FEMP offers live webinars, on-demand training, on-site training, advanced workshops, and strategic partnership meetings. Visit the FEMP Training Catalog to browse opportunities.
Why Sharing Your Data Matters
Maintaining and collecting accurate data from ongoing and awarded projects is vital to tracking the government's energy efficiency progress and understanding UESC trends.