EISA Federal Covered Facility Management and Benchmarking Data

The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) provides data illustrating federal progress in meeting the requirements outlined in Section 432 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 432) (42 U.S.C. 8253(f)).

This data is accessible through the FEMP EISA 432 Compliance Tracking System, which offers:

  • Top-tier agency aggregates, representing all reported data subject to the EISA 432 requirements
  • Facility-level detailed data that excludes information for facilities that have requested exemption from public disclosure for national-security purposes.

Need data?

Browse government and agency-specific performance data in the FEMP EISA 432 Compliance Tracking System.

Federal Government Compliance Overview

FEMP offers covered facility management and benchmarking data related to EISA 432.

Key metrics and aggregates are available for the federal government and individual top-tier agencies. Publicly available data for ad hoc analysis and reporting can be found in the Data Warehouse.

Have a data question?

Submit a FEMP EISA 432 Compliance Tracking System public data inquiry.


When reviewing agency data at the facility level, keep the following points in mind.

  • Covered facilities for many agencies include multi-building installations and the "number of buildings metered for electricity" reflects buildings in such installations that are separately metered.
  • Potential efficiency and conservation measures identified in facility evaluation reporting may not all be in the best interest of the government to implement.
  • Agencies report data on an ongoing basis, and the EISA 432 Compliance Tracking System may not include the entirety of projects implemented or buildings benchmarked.
  • EISA stipulates that at the request of a federal agency, the Energy Secretary may exempt specific data for specific facilities from public disclosure for national security purposes.