
Idaho Cleanup Project Citizens Advisory Board (ICP CAB)
The environment at DOE’s Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Site and underlying Snake River Plain Aquifer are considerably safer today following 30 years of cleanup in compliance with state and federal regulations.
The Idaho Cleanup Project Citizen’s Advisory Board has elected new leadership and added two new members to the board.

Teri Ehresman, Island Park, has been elected as Chair of the ICP CAB for the next year. She served the past year as Vice-Chair of the
Members of eight local advisory boards across the cleanup complex gathered virtually last week for the biannual Environmental Management Site-Specific Advisory Board (EM SSAB) National Chairs meeting, where they discussed EM’s COVID-19 response, cleanup
Earlier this month, Josh Bartlome, CAB vice-chair, and I participated in a two-day virtual Environmental Management Site Specific Advisory Board (SSAB) meeting. It was a great meeting, and much was accomplished.
More than 1,250 students who visited the Idaho Falls Zoo in 2021 were treated to a bonus: the opportunity to learn more about science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM).

Fluor Idaho, EM’s contractor at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL)