
Idaho Cleanup Project Citizens Advisory Board (ICP CAB)
Meet two of our ICP CAB members from Bonneville County, Richard "Dick" Meservey and Mark Permann
Calcine Bin Sets
One of the major waste streams presented regularly at CAB Meetings, is the high-level waste (HLW): sodium bearing liquid waste and Calcine. The HLW on the INL Site, was generated from DOE reprocessing activities of spent nuclear fuel at INL between 1952-
ICP CAB members outside the October 2023 meeting venue in Sun Valley, Idaho
I’m happy to live in Idaho where there are four seasons but most of all I love the fall. I was lucky to spend two beautiful days in Sun Valley attending a meeting at the Sun Valley Inn. October 24th and 25th were the dates of the fall ICP CAB meeting
CAB members and others sit at tables during a meeting
This was my first official meeting as an ICP CAB member. It was nice to meet in person and start getting to know everyone on the board. The members all have different backgrounds and I truly enjoy gaining an education not only regarding
Meet our newest CAB members: Nate Francisco from Cassia County, Ladd Edmo from Bannock County and Jessica Prather from Bannock County.
a group poses in front of a bus
My perceptions of both Citizens Advisory Board (CAB) Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Tours and CAB meetings revolve around four topics or perspectives. With respect to the numerous tours of facilities and areas of the vast INL site, I am
several people wearing safety vests
During our Tour of the INL site in April, we Learned about cleanup of the Idaho National Laboratory Site officially starting in 1989 when it was added to the Environmental Protection Agency’s National Priorities List of Superfund sites due to suspected