Wind R&D Newsletter

The biannual U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Wind Research and Development (R&D) Newsletter provides recent news about the Wind Energy Technologies Office's (WETO) R&D projects, funding opportunities, accomplishments, and recent publications.

Current Research & Development

Turbines in Harmony: Optimizing Wind Energy To Boost Electricity Output

The American WAKE experimeNt (AWAKEN) is compiling the world’s largest and most comprehensive dataset on wind energy atmospheric phenomena, detailing how wind and surrounding air particles interact with wind turbines and wind.

A researcher on top of a wind turbine
A researcher inspects AWAKEN instruments installed on top of a King Plains Wind Farm Turbine.

Like musicians in an orchestra, the components of a wind system deliver the best performance when they work in concert. Finely tuned and synchronized instruments are the key to striking the right pitch―and propelling wind energy forward.

As momentum for clean energy continues to build across the United States, U.S. Department of Energy DOE-funded efforts are underway to dramatically increase the maximum amount of electricity wind farms can produce when operating at full capacity. Two recent projects funded by DOE’s Wind Energy Technologies Office are helping industry expand wind power capacity. 

The American WAKE experimeNt (AWAKEN) is compiling the world’s largest and most comprehensive dataset on wind energy atmospheric phenomena, detailing how wind and surrounding air particles interact with wind turbines and wind farms. This dataset could be used to improve the flow of wind through the average wind power plant and boost potential electricity output by 5%―enough to power approximately 4,000 homes each year.

Turbine placement—either within a single wind farm or across several—can impact wind speed and the amount of power downwind turbines can produce. This is known as the “wake effect,” or the change in the flow of wind after it interacts with a wind turbine or plant. 

The project leverages the expertise and resources of DOE’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and its partners, including Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratories, as well as universities, research institutions, and industry.

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Man with curly hair and glasses in a black suit stands holding a mic in front of a backdrop that says "CLEAN".
Lantz at the 2024 Collegiate Wind Competition.

It’s been one year since I began my time as director of the U.S. Department of Energy's Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO), and I’m so proud of the tremendous progress that has been made in the last 12 months.  

One thing we’ve been working on since I started is a refreshed vision and mission for our office. Looking ahead to the diverse clean energy system of the future, we know that our work must be focused on making wind energy more accessible, sustainable, and secure. Further, we have to be increasingly cognizant of the importance of returning meaningful value to the electricity grid and economic development for the American people. Effectively applying the tools of the federal government in service of these objectives drives our day-to-day efforts. 

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WETO’s Contributions to Wind Energy

Illustrations of wind turbines along winding road.

WETO-funded research has been integral to the advancement of wind energy in the United States. Read our latest case studies in a series highlighting WETO’s historic contributions to wind energy, including how DOE teamed up with NASA to pioneer the modern U.S. wind industry, how an international collaboration led to invaluable wind industry standards, and how investing in blade and drivetrain testing facilities since the 1990s provided crucial knowledge to the ongoing expansion of commercial wind power. 

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DOE News

The following is a curated list of wind energy news stories from DOE.

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Funding News

The following is a list of announcements related to DOE wind energy funding opportunities.

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Featured Publications

Learn more about WETO’s research and development efforts by visiting its Key Publications and Resources page for the latest publications that showcase wind energy advancements and strategic documents that are propelling the industry forward. Additionally, click here to dive into all WETO-funded publications.

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