This document contains the compiled wind presentations from the U.S. Department of Energy 2014 Wind Power Program Peer Review.
Wind Energy Technologies Office
June 4, 2014View compiled presentations from the U.S. Department of Energy Wind Program's 2014 Peer Review meeting on March 24-27.
Compiled Presentation Contents by Topic
From the 2014 Wind Program Peer Reviews, download a complete compilation of presentations about accelerating the technology transfer of wind technologies.
Development of On-Site Conical Spiral Welders for Large Turbine Towers—Eric Smith, Keystone Tower Systems, Inc.
High Performance Hollow Fiber Membranes for Lubricating Fluid Dehydration and Stabilization Systems—Stuart Nemster, Compact Membrane Systems
Advanced Manufacturing Initiative—Daniel Laird, Sandia National Laboratories
Manufacturing and Supply Chain R&D, Wind Turbine Logistics and Planning Issues Analysis—Jason Cotrell, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Wind Turbine Repowering and Recycling Assessments—Jason Cotrell, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
U.S. Wind Energy Manufacturing and Supply Chain Development—Bruce Hamilton, Navigant Consulting, Inc.
U.S. Wind Energy Manufacturing and Supply Chain: A Competitiveness Analysis—Patrick Fullenkamp, GLWN, Global Wind Network [WIRE-Net]
Assessment of Vessel Requirements for the U.S. Offshore Wind Sector—Jim Ahlgrimm, U. S. Department of Energy
From the 2014 Wind Program Peer Reviews, download a complete compilation of presentations about advanced grid integration wind technologies.
Eastern Renewable Generation Integration Study (ERGIS)—Barbara O'Neill, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Western Wind and Solar Integration Study – Phase 2 and Phase 3—Kara Clark, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Integration Support/UVIG—Michael Milligan, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Mid-Atlantic Offshore Wind Interconnection and Transmission—Willett Kempton, The University of Delaware
Carolinas Offshore Wind Integration Case Study—Spencer Hanes, Duke Energy Business Services LLC
National Offshore Wind Energy Grid Integration Study (NOWEGIS)—John P. Daniel, AAB Inc
Great Lakes Offshore Wind- Utility and Regional Integration Study—Kenneth A. Loparo, Case Western Reserve University
Generator Modeling—Eduard Muljadi, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Wind Turbine Generator Modeling—Benjamin Karlson, Sandia National Laboratories
Grid System Planning for Wind: Concurrent Cooling Model and Beta System—Kurt S. Myers, INL Wind and Power Systems Program Operational
Impacts of a Large-Scale Wind Power Expansion—Audun Botterud, Argonne National Laboratory
Metrics/Balancing Area Analysis—Michael Milligan, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Market Impacts—Erik Ela, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Reliability Analysis – Synchrophasor – Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU)—Eduard Muljadi, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
From the 2014 Wind Program Peer Reviews, download a complete compilation of presentations about analysis and modeling of integration wind technologies.
Analysis & Modeling: COE & Policy Impact—Ryan H. Wiser, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
System LCOE Analysis—M. Maureen Hand, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Scenario Modeling and Model Improvement: Wind Deployment Barrier Reduction—Suzanne Tegen, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Programmatic and Economic Analysis—Eric Lantz, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Offshore Wind Market and Economic Analysis—Bruce Hamilton, Navigant Consulting, Inc.
Offshore System Cost Analysis—Aaron Smith, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Reduce LCOE—Ben Maples, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
From the 2014 Wind Program Peer Reviews, download a complete compilation of presentations about distributed wind technologies.
Annual Market Report on Wind Technologies in Distributed Applications & Distributed Wind Policy Comparison Tool—Alice Orrell, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Government, Industry, International Partnerships—Karin Sinclair, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Certifying Distributed Wind Turbines—Brent Summerville, Small Wind Certification Council
Loads Analysis and Standards Development for Distributed Wind—Robert Preus, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Small Wind Turbine Testing (SWTT) & Regional Test Center Technical Support (RTC)—Robert Preus, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Grid/Transmission Issues for Distributed Generation—Barbara O'Neill, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Built Environment Research Update—Jason Fields, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Competitiveness Improvement Project—Karin Sinclair, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
From the 2014 Wind Program Peer Reviews, download a complete compilation of presentations about market barrier mitigation of wind technologies.
Siting, Environmental and Permitting—Karin Sinclair, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Developing high-resolution spatial data of migration corridors for avian species of concern in regions of high potential wind development—Todd Katzner, West Virginia University
Deepwater Offshore Bat Monitoring Program—Steven K Pelletier, Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.
A Synchronized Sensor Array for Remote Monitoring of Avian and Bat Interactions with Offshore Renewable Energy Facilities—Robert M. Suryan, Oregon State University
Offshore Wind Environmental Research and Support—Andrea Copping, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Mid-Atlantic Baseline Studies—Iain Stenhouse, Biodiversity Research Institute
Workforce Development—Ian Baring-Gould, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Stakeholder Engagement & Outreach—Ian Baring-Gould, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Market Analysis and Resource Assessment—Suzanne Tegen, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Siting – Radar: Wind Turbine RCS Mitigation—Benjamin Karlson, Sandia National Laboratories
Wind Radar Interagency Field Test & Evaluation—Franz Busse, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Assessment of Offshore Wind Farm Effects on Sea Surface, Subsurface and Airborne Electronic Systems—Hao Ling, The University of Texas at Austin
From the 2014 Wind Program Peer Reviews, download a complete compilation of presentations about the next generation of wind technologies.
Advanced Turbine Controls R&D—Alan D. Wright, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Cost of Energy reduction for offshore Tension Leg Platform (TLP) wind turbine systems through advanced control strategies for energy yield improvement, load mitigation and stabilization—Albert Fisas, GE.
Blade Design Tools and System Analysis—Jonathan Berg, Sandia National Laboratories
WE 5.1.2 Offshore Wind RD&T: Innovative Concepts—D. Todd Griffith, Sandia National Laboratories
Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) Tools—Jason Jonkman, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Floating Platform Dynamic Models—Jason Jonkman, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Development of mooring-anchor program in public domain for coupling with FAST—Joseph M.H. Kim, Texas A&M University
Offshore Wind Structural Modeling and Analysis—Jason Jonkman, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Creation of a Model for Interaction of Bottom-Fixed Wind Turbines with Surface Ice for Use with Common Simulation Codes—Tim McCoy, DNV KEMA Renewables, Inc.
Bottom Fixed Platform Dynamics Models Assessing Surface Ice Interactions for Transitional Depth Structures in the Great Lakes—Dale G. Karr, University of Michigan
Shallow Water Offshore Wind Optimization for the Great Lakes—Stanley M. White, Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc.
Advanced Technology for Improving the Design Basis of Offshore Wind Energy Systems—Ralph L. Nichols, Savannah River National Laboratory
System Design Optimized for a Large-Turbine Wind Farm near Wilmington Canyon—Willett Kempton, University of Delaware
Offshore Wind RD&T: Sediment Transport—Daniel Laird, Sandia National Laboratories Hurricane Resilient Wind Plant Concept Study (FOA)—Scott Schreck, NREL’s National Wind Technology Center
Wind Plant Optimization and Systems Engineering—Paul Veers, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Aeroacoustics - Advanced Rotor Systems—Patrick Moriarty, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Wind Turbine In-Situ Particle-Image Velocimetry (PIV)—Rodman Linn, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Wake Measurement System—Brian Naughton, Sandia National Laboratories Innovative Drivetrain Concepts (FOA)—Jonathan Keller, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
A Lightweight, Direct-Drive, Fully-Superconducting Generator for Large Wind Turbines—Rainer B. Meinke, Advanced Magnet Lab, Inc.
Advanced Rotor Systems Siemens CRADA Aerodynamics—Scott Schreck, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
The National Rotor Testbed—Brian Resor, Sandia National Laboratories SMART Rotor Test & Data Analysis—Jonathan Berg, Sandia National Laboratories
High Efficiency Structural Flow-through Rotor With Active Flap Control—Mike Zuteck, Zimitar, Inc.
Offshore 12-MW Turbine Rotor with Advanced Materials and Passive Design Concepts—Kevin Standish, Siemens Energy, Inc.
WE 5.1.3 Offshore Wind RD&T: Large Offshore Rotor Development—D. Todd Griffith, Sandia National Laboratories
Pivot Offshore Wind Turbine—Geoff Sharples, Clear Path Energy Advanced Floating Turbine—Larry Viterna, Nautica Windpower
OSWind FOA #2 Offshore Technology Development—Josh Paquette, Sandia National Laboratories
From the 2014 Wind Program Peer Reviews, download a complete compilation of presentations about offshore wind advanced technology demonstration projects.
GOWind Demonstration Project—Ian Hatton, Baryonyx Corporation
Fishermen’s Atlantic City Wind Farm: Birthplace of Offshore Wind in the Americas—Stanley M. White, Fishermen's Atlantic City Wind Farm, LLC
Project Icebreaker—Lorry Wagner, Lake Erie Energy Development Corporation
WindFloat Pacific OSW Demo Project—Alla Weinstein, Principle Power, Inc.
Hywind Maine—Trine Ingebjørg Ulla, Statoil
New England Aqua Ventus I—Habib Dagher, University of Maine
Virginia Offshore Wind Technology Advancement Project—John Larson, Dominion
From the 2014 Wind Program Peer Reviews, download a complete compilation of presentations about the reliability of wind technologies and the atmosphere to electrons.
CREW (Continuous Reliability Enhancement for Wind) Database & Analysis Program—Valerie Hines, Sandia National Laboratories
Blade Reliability Collaborative Targeted Effects of Manufacturing Defects Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics—Joshua Paquette, Sandia National Laboratories
Gearbox Reliability Collaborative—Jonathan Keller, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Gearbox Failure Database, Condition Monitoring, and Operation & Maintenance Research—Shawn Sheng, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Reliability Improvement of Tribological Contacting Components—Aaron Greco, Argonne National Laboratory
Composite Materials Database—Brian Naughton, Sandia National Laboratories
WE 5.1.1 Offshore Wind RD&T: Structural Health and Prognostics Management—D. Todd Griffith, Sandia National Laboratories
Reliability and O&M Standards Development—Valerie Hines, Sandia National Laboratories
Standards—Jeroen van Dam, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Atmosphere to Electrons (A2e) Initiative Overview—Michael C. Robinson, Department of Energy
From the 2014 Wind Program Peer Reviews, download a complete compilation of presentations about wind resource characterization.
Inflow Characterization Tasks—Patrick Moriarty, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
An integrated approach to offshore wind energy assessment: Great Lakes 3D Wind Experiment—R.J. Barthelmie, Indiana University
Improving Atmospheric Models for Offshore Wind Resource Mapping and Prediction Using LIDAR, Aircraft, and In-Ocean Observations—Brian A. Colle, Stony Brook University
Measurement and Analysis of Extreme Wave and Ice Actions in the Great Lakes for Offshore Wind Platform Design—Tony England, University of Michigan
Role of Energy Fluxes for WRF Wind Modeling—Sonia Wharton, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Characterization of Turbine Inflow Conditions using Multiscale Atmospheric Modeling—Jeff Mirocha, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Impacts of Stratification and Non-Equilibrium Winds and Waves on Hub-Height Winds—Edward (Ned) Patton, National Center for Atmospheric Research
A HPC “Cyber Wind Facility” Incorporating Fully-Coupled CFD/CSD for Turbine-Platform-Wake Interactions with the Atmosphere and Ocean—James G. Brasseur, Pennsylvania State University
High-resolution modelling of offshore wind turbines and farms: Model development and validation—Fotis Sotiropoulos, St. Anthony Falls Lab., University of Minnesota
Simulator for Plant Applications—Patrick Moriarty, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Wind Plant Modeling and Validation—Jeff Mirocha, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Mesoscale Datasets (WIND Toolkit) and Forecasting using Analogs—Patrick Moriarty, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
National Offshore Wind Energy Resource and Design Condition Data Campaign—Bruce H. Bailey, AWS Truepower LLC
Wind Forecast Improvement Project: WFIP—James Wilczak, NOAA/Earth System Research Laboratory
WFIP: Northern Study Area—Cathy Finley, WindLogics
Wind Forecasting Improvement Project: Southern Study Area—Jeffrey M. Freedman, AWS Truepower, LLC
Enhancing Short Term Wind Forecasting for Improved Wind Utility Operations—Larry Berg, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
From the 2014 Wind Program Peer Reviews, download a complete compilation of presentations about wind technology test facilities.
Blade Test Facilities—Scott Hughes, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Massachusetts Large Blade Testing Facility—Rahul Yarala, WTTC, Massachusetts Clean Energy Center
NREL Dynamometer Facilities—Robb Wallen, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Clemson University Wind Turbine Drivetrain Testing Facility—Nikolaos Rigas, Clemson University
Controllable Grid Interface (CGI)—Mark McDade, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
15 MW Hardware in the Loop Grid Simulator—Nikolaos Rigas, Clemson University
National Wind Technology Center—Dave Simms, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
DOE/SNL SWiFT Facility—Jonathan R. White, Sandia National Laboratories Reference
Facility for Offshore Renewable Energy: Chesapeake Light Tower—Jim Green, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
National Wind Technology Center—Dave Simms, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Compiled Presentation Contents by Topic
View compiled sections of the presentations from the 2014 Wind Program Peer Reviews below.