States and Local Communities

State-Specific Renewable Energy Tools and Resources

Alternative Fuels Data Center provides information about alternative fuels and advanced vehicles, including laws and incentives, fueling stations, fuel prices, and more by state.

The Energy Saver tax credits, rebates, and savings tool provides a listing of incentives offered by government agencies, utilities, and others by state.

ENERGY STAR® helps state and local governments with energy saving strategies to help meet their energy and financial performance goals.

The State and Local Planning for Energy Platform is an easy-to-access online platform to support data-driven state and local energy and decarbonization planning.

U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) provides the most current state energy information, including overviews, rankings, data, analyses, and state-by-state comparisons.

The State and Alternative Fuel Provider Fleet Program requires covered fleets to meet their Energy Policy Act (EPAct) requirements and reduce their petroleum consumption through Standard Compliance or Alternative Compliance. 

EERE Programs and initiatives

Better Buildings Neighborhood Program works with communities to promote energy efficiency upgrades in homes and other buildings.

The Better Buildings Initiative partners with leaders in the public and private sectors to make the nation's homes, commercial buildings, and industrial plants more energy-efficient by accelerating investment and sharing successful best practices.

Building America conducts energy-efficient home research projects in the states.

Clean Cities supports coalitions in the states dedicated to reducing petroleum use in transportation.

Geothermal Technologies Office funds geothermal projects in the states.

Green Power Network provides information on green power options in the states.

The Energy Transitions Initiative advances self-reliant island and remote communities through the development of resilient energy systems.

Advanced Manufacturing Office works in the states to help industry use energy more efficiently.

The State and Local Energy Efficiency Action Network is a state and local effort to take energy efficiency to scale and achieve all cost-effective energy efficiency by 2020.

Weatherization & Intergovernmental Programs Office provides funding and technical assistance to state and local governments to facilitate the adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies.

WINDExchange is the Wind Energy Technologies Office's platform for disseminating credible information about wind energy.

Technical Assistance and Tools

The Better Buildings Residential Program Solution Center is a robust collection of nearly 1,000 examples, strategies, and resources for residential energy efficiency programs.

The State and Local Solution Center provides resources to advance successful, high-impact clean energy policies, programs, and projects.

The Weatherization Assistance Program Training Resources provides the weatherization network with various trainings, tools, and resources.

Clean Cities Technical Assistance has "Tiger Teams" that help states and local communities overcome obstacles for deploying alternative fuels and advanced vehicles.

The Building Energy Codes Program helps states and local code enforcement jurisdictions adopt, upgrade, implement, and enforce residential and commercial codes.

The Solar Energy Resource Center has resources related to solar energy.

Using Efficient and Renewable Energy Technologies

The Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency provides information on the use of local, utility, state, and federal incentives for energy-efficient purchases and improvements.