Office of State and Community Energy Programs

Solar panels

At the US Department of Energy’s Office of State and Community Energy Programs, we support a wide range of stakeholders by investing in place-based strategies that accelerate the development of innovative energy technologies to bolster communities, create jobs, save money, and strengthen energy independence and resiliency.

SCEP empowers states, local governments, Tribal Nations, nonprofit organizations, public schools, community partners and more to build local capacity to deliver the tangible benefits of sustainable energy to their communities. SCEP’s investments include formula grants, competitive grants, vouchers, awards, prizes, and technical assistance to help communities achieve their energy goals. 

Two workers pointing up towards the sky with electric lines in the background.

SCEP acts as a partner by putting states and local communities in charge of their energy future while also providing resources and tools to support a sustainable future for all Americans. Our goal is to ensure that every American can participate in and benefit from innovative energy solutions.  

Areas of Focus

  • Find Funding Opportunities: States and Local Governments

    Funding and Technical Opportunities

    Funding Opportunities
    State and Local Solution Center
    Infrastructure Xchange

  • A table with various tools in the foreground, and two people in hard hats holding blueprints in the background.

    Home Energy Rebate Programs

    The Home Energy Rebates put money back in the hands of American households. The rebates can help you save thousands of dollars on home improvement projects that can lower your energy bills. 

    • Status of your state’s program
    • Home Energy Rebates website
    • Homeowners and Renters
    • States, Territories and Tribes
    • Industry Partners
  • Weatherization worker installs insulation into a house wall.

    Weatherization Assistance Program

    Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) reduces energy costs for low-income households by increasing the energy efficiency of their homes, while ensuring their health and safety. The program supports 8,500 jobs and provides weatherization services to approximately 32,000 homes every year using DOE funds.

    Weatherization Assistance Program
    About Weatherization
    How to Apply
    WAP Enhancement and Innovation Grants

  • State, Local Solution Center

    The State and Local Solution Center is a resource hub for states, local governments, and K-12 school districts. The Solution Center highlights various technical assistance opportunities to help your organization reach its energy efficiency and renewable energy goals

    Tools and Resources

  • Wisconsin Capitol Building

    State Energy Program

    State Energy Program (SEP) emphasizes the state's role as the decision-maker and administrator for program activities within their state that are tailored to their unique resources, delivery capacity, and energy goals. 

    About the State Energy Program
    State Energy Program Guidance 
    Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Fund Capitalization Grant Program
    State Energy Program Technical Assistance
    Revolving Loan Grant Fund

  • Children holding the Earth

    Community Energy Programs

    Community Energy Programs (CEP) provides federal support and resources to local and tribal governments, public schools, nonprofit organizations, workforce development groups, and other community-serving entities.

    Renew America's Schools
    Renew America's Non-Profits
    Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program
    Communities Local Energy Action Program (Communities LEAP)
    Local Government Energy Program (LGEP)
    Energy Future Grants
    Workforce Development
    Building Codes

Saving Energy and Money for American Homes, Communities, Businesses, and Industries

The Office of State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP) works with state, local, and Tribal governments, nonprofit organizations, schools, and community partners to provide technical assistance and invest in place-based clean energy projects that aim to catalyze local economic development and create jobs, reduce energy costs, and avoid pollution.

Foundational programs like the Weatherization Assistance Program and State Energy Program, which both have more than 40 years of successfully delivering energy savings across the country, will complement newly formed programs such as the Local Government Energy Program and Energy Futures Grants, enabling the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to work for the first time ever, with local governments and communities for the long term.  

Through the disbursement of formula grants, DOE will extend the core capabilities of state energy offices and expand the weatherization provider network to assist low-income families with home energy retrofits. Competitive awards will further the innovation by states and local governments seeking to implement high-impact and self-sustaining clean energy projects. In addition, technical assistance will help to facilitate clean energy programs and practices through "best practice" tools, "lead-by-example" methods, peer-to-peer forums, and other strategic partnerships.   


Contact Us

The Office of State and Community Energy Programs

Office of State and Community Energy Programs
1000 Independence Ave SW
Washington DC 20585

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