Hydrogen Shot Summit Proceedings: Panel Session 1: Electrolysis

View presentation slides from the Electrolysis Panel Session at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Hydrogen Shot Summit, August 31‒September 1, 2021. Find content from other sessions in the Hydrogen Shot Summit Proceedings.

Current Status of Electrolyzer Technology and Needs for Successful Widespread Commercialization and Meeting Hydrogen Shot Targets

Bryan Pivovar, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Low-Temperature (Alkaline and PEM) Electrolyzer Industrial Panel

Kathy Ayers, Nel Hydrogen; Cortney Mittelsteadt, Plug Power; Michel Archambault, Cummins; Joseph Poindexter, Teledyne

Slides coming soon

HTE Status, Needs, and Meeting Hydrogen Shot Target

Olga Marina, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

High-Temperature (Solid Oxide) Electrolyzer Industrial Panel

Venkat Venkataraman, Bloom Energy; Tony Leo, FuelCell Energy; Joseph Hartvigsen, Oxeon; Scott Swartz, Nexceris

Stack Component Supply Chain Industrial Panel

Andrew Smeltz, De Nora; Andrew Park, Chemours; Peter Ellis, Johnson Matthey; Barr Zulevi, Pajarito Powder 

Balance of Plant Supply Chain Industrial Panel

Sasha Dass, Analog Devices; Stan Lueck, RODI Systems; Blanca Ramirez, Lectrodryer; Richard Morin, Dynapower

Hybrid and Integrated Electrolyzer Systems Panel

Jack Brouwer, University of California, Irvine; Molly Strasser, Xcel Energy; Noah Meeks, Southern Company; Michael Green, Arizona Public Service; Brittany Westlake, EPRI