H2@Scale Workshop: 2019 Fuel Cell Seminar

The U.S. Department of Energy Fuel Cell Technologies Office held an H2@Scale Workshop at the 2019 Fuel Cell Seminar and Energy Exposition on November 5, 2019, in Long Beach, California.

The objectives were to:

  • Provide an overview of activities and areas of interest under the H2@Scale initiative, including hydrogen and fuel cells for multiple applications.
  • Present key accomplishments from H2@Scale research, development, and demonstration projects and analysis, and obtain feedback from broad stakeholders to guide future work.
  • Identify, discuss, and prioritize research and development (R&D) priorities to advance hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in support of H2@Scale, including potential areas of international collaboration to accelerate progress.


Fuel Cell Seminar H2@Scale Workshop Agenda


Plenary Talks

Round Robin—H2@Scale Pilot Project Awardees

H2@Scale Project Presentations

H2@Scale Technical and Economic Analysis

Panel—Hydrogen and Fuel Cells for Heavy-Duty Applications

Panel—Chemical Energy Storage