In collaboration with the U.S. Department of Transportation's (DOT's) Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and as part of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) H2@Scale Initiative, DOE's Fuel Cell Technologies Office held the H2@RailSM Workshop March 26–27, 2019, in Lansing, Michigan.
The meeting convened a diverse group of representatives (from government agencies, academia, original equipment manufacturers, rail operators, national laboratories), including international experts, who are participating in hydrogen rail applications.
Agenda and Panel Questions
Examples of Key Questions Discussed by Panelists
Workshop Report
Session I: Domestic Government Perspectives on Hydrogen Rail
- Welcoming Remarks and H2@Scale/H2@Rail Overview, Sunita Satyapal, DOE
- FRA Program R&D Overview, Melissa Shurland, DOT-FRA
- Locomotive Alternative Fuels and Cryogenic Commodity Transportation (Projects and Regulations), Mark Maday and Phani Raj, DOT-FRA
- H2@Rail Workshop: California's Perspectives, Momoko Tamaoki, California Department of Transportation
- San Bernardino County Transportation Authority Perspectives, Carrie Schindler, San Bernardino County Transportation Authority
Session II: Hydrogen Rail Status International Overviews
- Hydrogen Rail Status—Germany, Elena Hof, German National Organization Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NOW GmbH)
- Overview of the Hydrogen Rail Status in Canada, Leanna Belluz, Department of Transport Canada
- Hydrogen Fuel Cell Powered Train Project, Seky Chang, Korean Railroad Research Institute
Session III: Industry Perspectives
Operators' Perspectives
- H2@Rail Workshop—Alternative Fuels Update, Michael Fore, Association of American Railroads
- BNSF's Alternative Fuels, Michael Cleveland, BNSF Railway
- Norfolk Southern—Locomotive Hydrogen Fuel Perspective, Mark Duve, Norfolk Southern
Technology Developers' Perspectives
- Liquefied Natural Gas on the Rails—Precursor to Liquid Hydrogen on the Rails?, Reid Larson and Scott Nason, Chart Industries
- Fuel Cell Solutions for Zero Emission Rail Applications, Alan Mace, Ballard
- Hydrail: Moving People Today and Freight Tomorrow, Rob Harvey, Hydrogenics
Session IV: Hydrogen Rail Assessment
- Hydrogen-Rail (hydrail) Development, Andreas Hoffrichter, Michigan State University
- Total Cost of Ownership for Line Haul, Yard Switchers, and Regional Passenger Locomotives, Rajesh Ahluwalia, Argonne National Laboratory
- Hydrogen for Rail Applications, Brian Ehrhart, Sandia National Laboratories